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Today we are announcing the deprecation of Team Discussions, which will have individual sunset timelines for, API, and GHES users. Please see below for full details.

Last year, we introduced Organization Discussions, a way for teams to scope their discussions to the organization-level rather than the repository-level. Today, Organization Discussions has grown to include a number of features – including Categories, Category forms, Threaded comments, Q&A features (marking a comment as an answer), Polls, and Labels.

As we continue to invest and enhance Organization Discussions, we will be sunsetting Team Discussions. To migrate your existing Team Discussions to Organization Discussions, maintainers can click on the banner at the top of their Team Discussions page:

Screenshot 2023-02-07 at 3 32 28 PM

Following deprecation, access to any unmigrated Team Discussions will be available as raw text, but there won't be any ability to add, modify, or delete Team Discussions.

The deprecation will follow these timelines: Timeline:

  • Feb 8, 2023: A banner to migrate will be visible to maintainers at the top of their Team Discussions page, with the migration tooling included.
  • May 8, 2023: Team Discussions will be deprecated.
  • After May 8, 2023: Access to unmigrated Team Discussions will be available as raw text, but the UI won’t be available to add, modify, or delete Team Discussions.

GHES Timeline:

  • August 8, 2023: Team Discussions will be marked for deprecation in version 3.10. A banner to migrate will be visible to maintainers at the top of their Team Discussions page, with the migration tooling included.
  • February 27, 2024: Team Discussions will be removed in version 3.12.
  • After February 27, 2024: Access to unmigrated Team Discussions will be available as raw text, but the UI won’t be available to add, modify, or delete Team Discussions.

API Timeline:

  • The Team Discussions API will be deprecated in the next calendar version (no sooner than April 30th, 2023)

For questions or feedback, please visit our community.

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