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Our latest updates to the projects (beta) experience include the highly requested ability to bulk add issues and pull requests to a project as well as an explorable archive and a new GitHub Action! ✨

✅ Bulk add issues and pull requests

Selecting one or more items from either the issues or pull requests repository index pages now provides the option to bulk add to a project. When items are selected, the top menu bar will now includes the option Projects (Beta) where you can select any of your available projects to add your issues and pull requests to.


🧭 Explorable archive

Archiving allows you to keep long lived projects focused on upcoming ideas while preserving custom metadata if an item is no longer relevant (for example, it is part of a completed iteration).

​With our new explorable archive you can:

  • Use the filter bar to quickly parse through all the items in your archive.
  • Automatically bulk restore or bulk delete items from the project archive.
  • From today forward, you’ll be able to see who archived an item and when it was archived.

🪄 “Auto-add to project” GitHub Action

We’ve released a beta version of an official GitHub Action for automatically adding newly opened, labeled or transferred issues and pull requests to a project.

Adding issues or pull requests to your project is as easy as creating a simple workflow in your target repository and watching the issues and pull requests auto-magically 🪄 roll in.

Check it out in the GitHub Marketplace or go straight to the README.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Bug fix for pull requests to open in a new browser tab by default when selected from a project (this now matches the current behavior for issues).
  • Minor updates to the draft issue editing experience to align it with the current issues experience. Additional updates to improve this further are coming soon.
  • Projects (beta) now appear under the repositories section of the projects picker, making it easier to add an issue or pull request directly to a project.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Today, we are sharing new updates to the projects (Beta) experience, including updated repository filters and custom charts for project insights. We are also sharing a preview of issues closed reasons coming soon across GitHub.

🗂 Index page filtering

When in your issue and pull request repository pages, you can now use filters to see which items are or aren't included in a given project, making it simple to filter down to just the items you are looking for.

  • Select a project from the filter menu to see all the issues or pull requests already included in the selected project.
  • Add - in front of your project filter to see all issues or pull request that are not included in the selected project.
  • Try no:project to see all issues or pull request that are not currently in a project.

filtering for a project

🏗 Custom charts

We've continued to build upon the insights alpha based on your feedback. We are following the releases of persistent charts and chart filters with the introduction of custom charts. 🎉

Custom charts allow you to generate the insights you need with six different layout options, configurable grouping and the ability to display any of your custom fields.

With custom charts you can:

  • Create a column chart, grouped by iteration and summed on effort to show how much work is going into each iteration.
  • Understand where your attention is focused with a stacked column chart grouped by a custom field.
  • View trends over time with the stacked area or line chart.

custom charts

Join the discussion to share your feedback and experience with the insights alpha.

🕵🏽‍♀️ Issue closed reasons

Last year we introduced updates to our issue icons and colors along with the commitment to address your feedback on showing the reason why an issue had been closed.

Today we are starting to roll out a preview of issue closed reasons to a small group of users.

  • When closing an issue, you can opt to close as complete (default option) or not-planned.
  • When filtering for issues, adding a reason will allow you to filter down to the specific set you need with either reason:complete or reason:"not planned".

close issue reasons

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • In case you missed it, support for creating a branch for an issue was recently released.
  • Copy support is now included for Linked pull request and Reviewers field types.
  • Bug fix to allow the viewing of insights immediately after project creation.
  • Bug fix to resolve sort order being lost when a column is hidden.
  • Resolved a problem with the copy shortcut when multiple off-screen rows are selected, to ensure all off-screen data is copied.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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You can now create a branch directly from an issue to begin development work that's correlated to that issue. Branches connected to an issue are shown under the "Development" section, which has replaced "Linked pull requests", in the sidebar of an issue. When you create a pull request for one of these branches, it is automatically linked to the issue.

Create a branch for an issue is in public beta starting today. For more information, see the documentation, or let us know what you think.

An animated image showing how a branch is created for an issue. After creation, the linked branch is shown in the Development section.

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Today, we are sharing new updates to our projects (Beta) experience, including some highly requested filtering additions and more on our continued investments into project insights.

👉 New filter syntax

With more filter flexibility, you'll have several new ways to work with filters in your projects, including:

  • Assignee:@me – use our new @me filter alongside the assignee field to show items assigned to you.
  • Iterations @next and @previous – easily filter to the next or previous iteration as enhancements to the existing iterations filter @current.
  • Number and date type fields now support all existing GitHub search syntax – including >, >=, <, <=, n..*, *..n and n..n.


🏝 Iteration breaks

In our last update we made iterations more flexible with adjustable dates and lengths. We've built on that by adding in breaks making it easy to communicate when you and your team are taking time out from their iterations.
adding an iteration break

📈 Persistent charts

The insights alpha continues to improve based on your feedback. Previously we introduced chart filters, helping you get to the insights you care about. With the addition of persistent charts, you can now save and name these filtered charts to share with your team – just like you can with views.


Join the discussion to share your feedback and experience with the insights alpha.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • When editing a project description or README, the cursor will default to the end of the text rather than the start.
  • Bug fix where adding a second filter after a comma would replace the original filter.
  • An or filter can now be created when using the iterations @current option. For example: Iteration:@current,iteration-10 will correctly return all items in either the current iteration or in iteration-10.
  • Bug fix where focus is lost after adding an item from the suggestion menu.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Since our last update, we have a number of exciting updates to share with you for the new projects experience. Including improvements which shorten the gap between the original projects and our new experience as well as iterating on recent ships, such as iterations and insights, based on your feedback.

🎨 Project descriptions

Providing context on the why behind and instructions on how to best engage with a given project has now become even easier with the addition of project descriptions and READMEs.

Accessible via the settings page or the new side panel on the right side of your screen, the project description provides a short summary of the project while the README offers a Markdown-enabled space for all the additional details your team needs.


🌀 Flexible iterations

We heard your feedback on iterations and now they are even more flexible 🎉. Start and end dates can be edited after creation and iterations can be set to any length – up from the previous limit of 6 weeks.


📊 Insights filters

Project insights continues its alpha roll out and this week we have introduced additional filtering for burn up charts to make it even easier to get to the insights you care about.

Apply filters directly to your insight reports or use the view menu to generate a report based on the filters saved to the view.


Join the discussion to share your feedback and experience with the insights alpha.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Outside collaborators can now be added to projects. Outside collaborators who have already been added to at least one repository in your organization will now appear when searching for users in the Manage access settings page.
  • The top right menu bar has been collapsed and additional options have been added including the ability to see the latest Changelog updates and the Docs pages.
  • Bug fix to resolve the creation of duplicate draft issues which could occur when double tapping the enter key.
  • If an iteration start or end date exists in a different year to the current calendar year, the year will now be shown along side the iteration.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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New year, new GitHub Issues improvements! 🎉

We had several updates at the end of last year and are kicking off the new year with a number of improvements to the projects experience.

✅ Check in with reviewers

Many teams use reviewers to manage their pull requests, with our new field type – reviewers – any pull request added to your project will now display any assigned reviewers. Making it easy to see who’s been requested to review a pull request. To get started with reviewers:

  • Open the new field menu or the command palette and add the field reviewers to any of your existing views.
  • On the table this will display as a new column.
  • Or on the board this will display embedded in the card.
  • To keep the new field as part of your view, select save changes in the command palette or view menu.

The reviewers field is currently read only, with write access coming soon.


💙 Updated filter bar

It is now easier to see which filters have been applied to a view with our new tokenization in the filter bar, with filter criteria now displayed in blue and helpful error messages when no matches are found.


✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Assignees are now always displayed in the side-panel for draft issues.
  • Bug fix for the selection behavior of multiple cards in the board layout. Previously clicking the ... menu would unselect all cards – making it hard to bulk remove multiple items.
  • The close button in the draft issue side-panel can now be navigated to with the tab key.
  • Bug fix so the filter -@current now includes items with no iteration – which is consistent with other negative filters.
  • When a board is pivoted by a value other than status, the status value can now be displayed as metadata on the card.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Following our last update, we have a number of exciting updates and improvements being released today for the new projects experience.

🔗 Stay in sync with linked pull requests

One of the top requested features, you can now easily see what work is in progress with our latest field type linked pull requests for both the table and board layouts.

  • Open the new field menu or the command palette to add the field linked pull requests to any of your existing views.
  • On the table this will display as a new column.
  • Or on the board this will display embedded in the card.
  • Learn more about linking issues and pull requests.

Linked pull requests

📝 Shape your draft issues

We have added multiple improvements for draft issues, you can now:

  • Add assignees ✨.
  • Include a markdown body.
  • View and edit the content in our new side-panel.

Then easily convert your draft to an issue in your chosen repository when you are ready.

Draft issues

🐇 Access your projects through your repository

To bring your projects closer to your code, you can now curate a list of projects useful to your team under the projects tab in any repository. Projects are still created and owned by the organization or user but are now much faster to access.

  • Open the projects tab in a repository.
  • Hit the add projects button to search for a project under the same organization or user account as the repository.


✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Group by is now enabled for both assignees and repositories ✨.
  • Iterations have a new filter option to always return the @current iteration.
  • Bug fix – for certain Japanese characters in the omnibar.
  • The current iteration now includes the current label when in group by.
  • Date ranges for iterations are included in the board layout.
  • Bug fix – sort by assignee will now be in alphabetical order, regardless of case.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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We’re consistently expanding the capabilities of projects (boards & tables) on GitHub, and we’ve got a handful of exciting updates and improvements launching today.

💫 View your boards by any field

When you are in the board layout, you can now pick any single select or iteration field to use for columns.

  • Open the view settings menu and select column field.
  • Choose any of the available single select or iteration type fields.
  • Drag and drop your items to update your selected field.

Board Columns v3 1

✅ Set fields to items added under a filter

No more disappearing items. When you add an item to a view with a filter, those fields will now automatically be set.

Adding under filter v3

👋 See your team

With our new presence indicators we continue to evolve the real-time experience in projects, you can see who on your team is making updates to the same projects you are. Presence indicators are currently only enabled for organization owned private projects.

floating heads v2 2

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Clicking into the filter bar will now automatically add a space.
  • Bug fix where previous iterations would not display in the board layout.
  • Fixed an overflow issue with long view names.
  • Added the ability to filter by type, to switch between users or teams under the manage access settings page.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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After our GitHub Issues public beta announcement at GitHub Universe, we’ve seen teams start to engage with and adopt project tables, boards and all of our recently released features. Now that we’re in the public beta, we’re going to continue to ship on the same cadence we did during private beta (every 2-3 weeks), engage with your feedback, and deliver on the feature roadmap.

Here are the latest updates which are available to all projects on GitHub.

🔀 Re-orderable views

One of the most requested features in our feedback forum, you can now easily re-order views via drag and drop to get the perfect sequence.

🏈 Team permissions

The manage settings screen now supports adding permissions directly to GitHub Teams, making it even easier to ensure everyone has the right access level needed for your projects.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes this week include:

  • Clicking outside of the board will now de-select any selected cards on the board layout.
  • Resolved a problem where archiving all cards in a column would also archive cards filtered out. Now only visible cards will be archived.
  • To avoid confusion, we have disabled the New Field menu item when you are in the board layout.
  • Copying the contents of a board is now possible via cmd+c. To copy everything, combine this with meta+a to select all your cards.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.


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Since we introduced the new GitHub Issues earlier this year in a private beta, we've been working hard to expand access to all developers in order to make GitHub the best place to plan, track, and manage your work. Today, we are really excited to announce that we're moving into a public beta, and now everyone on has access to the new project tables and boards. 🎉

We've used the past few months to work with our private beta users and continue to build up the capabilities of project planning on GitHub with the ability to convert a draft issue to an issue, do bulk actions in tables and boards, automate repetitive actions, set your team's tempo with iterations, and so much more. Along with the new Issues being available for everyone, we're shipping these new capabilities to you today:

📬 Live updates

Collaborate with your team in real-time! Now projects will update as you work so you never miss a thing.

This feature is rolling out gradually, and may take a few weeks to get enabled for your projects.


🌐 Public Projects

Public projects let you share what you are working on with the world. Whether this is your team's roadmap, a list of items where you're seeking feedback, or the current work you have in progress – public projects help you work with your community.

  • Project admins can now toggle between public and private visibility in a project's settings screen.
  • Quickly see if a project is public or private via the lock or globe icon next to the project name.
  • Public projects will only show public items, any issues or PRs added from private repositories will be redacted. This includes any metadata added to them in the project view.


📊 Insights

Our new burn up chart is designed to help teams visualize progress towards completion, understand development flow, and provide early warning of potential bottlenecks.

This capability has been released as a limited alpha. More organizations will be added in the future.


✨ Bug fixes & improvements

We have a whole bunch of improvements for you, including:

  • GitHub Apps support, available as part of the organization projects permissions scope.
  • Projects can now be created under user accounts in addition to organization accounts – head to the projects tab on your profile page to get started.
  • Increased the number of views a project can have to 42 📈
  • Bug fix: removed unnecessary blank rows at the bottom of the table layout.
  • Bug fix: select all (meta+a) works when you are in the No Status column of the board.
  • Resolved scrolling problems in Safari, especially in group by.
  • Added the ability to applysort and group by in the view menu. (Previously you could only clear these in the view menu – which was very confusing!)
  • Archive all cards in a column via a new option in the column header menu.
  • Improved how , is handled in the filter bar which now correctly triggers a new OR search.
  • Custom fields are now clickable in the board layout to quickly apply a filter. (This was a major request!)
  • Row highlights are easier to dismiss with the esc key.
  • Draft issues are included as issues when filtering for is:issue.
  • Hide a grouped column in the table layout.
  • Closed issues are now purple 💜.

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped us with feedback during the private beta 🙏

See how to use GitHub for project planning on the GitHub Issues page, see what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Our current issue icon colors are a source of constant user feedback, citing confusion with errors, confusion between why Open is green and Closed is red, accessibility concerns and the general scariness of seeing red across the issues index page when a bunch of closed issues is usually a good thing.

As part of our roadmap issue today we are starting a rollout that updates the issue closed icon from red to purple. Please see the roadmap issue for more information and future plans to address all of the feedback we have received.

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Since our last update, we’ve continued to improve the GitHub Issues beta to expand the capabilities of both project tables and boards. Here are some of the recent ships:

🌀 Iteration field type

Build tempo with our new field type – iteration. With iterations you’ll find it easy to keep everyone aligned on what’s in progress and make jobs like cycle planning a breeze.

Designed to take the manual pain away from creating new iterations every week, iterations are a smooth and streamlined experience.

  • Create a new field, and select the iteration type. Here you can pick the start date and length of the iteration.
  • Hit save and create, and we will auto add 3 instances of the iteration to get you started.
  • Easily create more in the settings screen.
  • Filter, sort, and group by just like you would any other field.

iteration field

✋ Granular permissions

Project access you control. With our new manage access tab it’s easy to set up the right permissions for your project.

  • Select a base role for your organization – admin, write, read or no access.
  • Manage individual access for collaborators.
  • Support for teams and external collaborators coming soon.permissions

    ✨ Bug fixes & improvements

  • We reduced the number of confirmation toasts to help keep you in the zone.
  • Updated icons for draft and closed PRs.
  • Fixed an edge case where the issue suggester could include the issue you just added, which would result in an error.
  • Cards in the board are no longer selected when performing a meta+click on the title.
  • Bug fix where the e and del shortcuts in the board layout we overriding the repo picking during convert to issue.
  • In the table layout, you can now hide a column that has a group by applied.
  • Previously a new project needed items added before you could add columns – now you can start with columns or items.

See how to use GitHub for project planning on the GitHub Issues page and learn more in the FAQ.

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