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Customers desire clear, relevant, and actionable insights about how Actions workflows are being used in their organization. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Actions Usage Metrics is available in public beta for GitHub Enterprise Cloud plans.

Actions Usage Metrics screenshot

Time is the most important metric for DevOps and DevEx teams. The question they want answered is, “where are all my minutes going?” Actions Usage Metrics addresses this question and others by focusing on minutes used per workflow, job, repository, runtime OS, and runner type. This data helps organizations locate areas of improvement in their software delivery lifecycle, saving time and money.

Customers can filter data by any combination of workflows, jobs, repositories, runtime OS, and runner type to view total minutes, number of jobs, workflow executions, and more. All usage metrics, filtered or not, can be downloaded as a .csv file to use with your tool of choice.

By default, organization owners can access Actions Usage Metrics. However, access permissions can be granted to other members or teams using Actions fine-grained permissions. This ensures the right level of access to Actions Usage Metrics data, enabling informed decisions and improvements.

To learn more about Actions Usage Metrics, check out our docs or head to our community discussion.

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Dependency caching is one of the most effective ways to make jobs faster on GitHub Actions. You can now monitor the storage usage of your existing caches and get greater control over cache availability for your action workflows.

Actions users who use actions/cache to speed up their workflow execution times can now use our cache usage APIs to:

  • query the cache usage within each repository and monitor if the total size of all caches is reaching the upper limit of 10 GB,
  • monitor aggregate cache usage at organization level or even at enterprise level, if your GitHub organization is owned by an enterprise account.

Learn more about Managing caching dependencies to speed up workflows.

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