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We've added an enhancement to the repository view for a branch that is different than its upstream branch. Previously we showed the number of commits the branch was ahead or behind the upstream, but there wasn't an easy way to show the differences. Now you can click a link that takes you to a comparison page to see the differences.


Note: there is a different link for ahead versus behind

  • ahead represents changes your branch has but the upstream branch does not
  • behind represents changes the upstream branch has but your branch does not

Read more about branches.

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Previously, the Get repository content REST API endpoint had a file size limit of 1 MB. That didn’t correspond to the Create or update file contents endpoint which has a file size limit of 100 MB. Now, both endpoints have a file size limit of 100 MB. However, requests for file contents larger than 1 MB must include the .raw custom media type in the Accept HTTP header, as shown here:

Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw

Read more about GitHub's REST API endpoints for repository contents.

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Now organization admins can pin a repository to their public or member-facing organization profiles directly from the repository page with the new pin repository dropdown. Public repositories will be pinned to public org profiles, where as public, private and internal repositories can be pinned to the member-facing organization profile. Learn more about organization profile updates here.

pin repos dropdown gif

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Now you can customize your organization's Overview page to show content dedicated to public users or members of the organization. A new member view is only visible to members of the organization and can be controlled in the sidebar to toggle between public and member view.

A README only visible to members

Similar to the public organization README that we released last year, you can now create a README that is only visible to members of your organization. In the .github-private repository the /profile/ will be displayed on your organization's Overview page.

Pinned private repositories

Organization owners are able to define a set of six public, private or internal repositories that are only visible to members of their organization, enabling members to quickly access popular or frequented repositories.

For more information about the new features, see "Customizing your organization's profile".

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Previously, GitHub's web UI did not allow deleting a branch that was associated with an open pull request. Now you can delete such a branch from the UI. However, doing so will close all open pull requests associated with the branch. Before the branch is deleted, you must confirm that the pull requests may be closed.

Confirm deleting a branch

Read more about working with branches.

Read more about collaborating with pull requests.

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Repository owners can now configure tag protection rules to protect tags in all public repositories and in private repositories on the Pro, Teams or Enterprise plans on GitHub. Once protected by a tag protection rule, tags matching specified patterns can only be created and deleted by users with "Maintain" or "Admin" permissions to the repository. For more information, see our documentation.


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Users can now unsubscribe from all repositories owned by a given user or organization. Navigate to to find a list of the repositories that you are subscribed to. The Unwatch All button gives you the option to unsubscribe from all repositories, or just the ones that belong to a specific user or owner. It will appear when you are watching all activity or custom notifications on over 10 repositories.

dropdown with filter

Clicking any of the dropdown options opens a modal to confirm unwatching repositories owned by the selected user/organization (or all repositories).


You can read more about how to unwatch a single or multiple repositories in the 'Managing your subscriptions' documentation

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We made three improvements to the repository invite experience, so you can start contributing faster:

  1. You will now see notifications for private repository invites, just as you already do for public repositories.
  2. For pending invites to public repositories, you will now notice a banner on the repository overview, indicating that there is a pending invite.
  3. When you navigate to a private repository you have been invited to, you will now see a prompt to accept the invite instead of a 404 error page.
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Appending ?plain=1 to the url for any Markdown file will now display the file without rendering. As with other code files, it will also show line numbers, and can be used to link other users to a specific line or lines. For example, appending ?plain=1#L52 will highlight line 52 of a plain text Markdown file.

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