Compare differences between branches

We've added an enhancement to the repository view for a branch that is different than its upstream branch. Previously we showed the number of commits the branch was ahead or behind the upstream, but there wasn't an easy way to show the differences. Now you can click a link that takes you to a comparison page to see the differences.


Note: there is a different link for ahead versus behind

  • ahead represents changes your branch has but the upstream branch does not
  • behind represents changes the upstream branch has but your branch does not

Read more about branches.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can now see an overview of Dependabot alerts at the enterprise level. This page provides a repo-centric view of application security risks, as well as an alert-centric view of all secret scanning and now Dependabot alerts. The views are in beta and will be followed in the coming months by alert-centric views for code scanning.

Dependabot alerts at the enterprise level

Learn more about security overview
Learn more about GitHub Advanced Security

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GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets. By identifying and flagging these secrets, we help protect users from data leaks and fraud associated with exposed data.

We have partnered with DigitalOcean to scan for their API keys, which allow users to manage Droplets and resources. We'll forward API keys found in public repositories to DigitalOcean, who will revoke valid keys and email the affected user.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for DigitalOcean API keys and block them from entering their private and public repositories via secret scanning’s new push protection feature.

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