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GitHub today announced public beta support for custom deployment protection rules for safely rolling out deployments using GitHub Actions.

Custom deployment protection rules are powered by GitHub Apps and can be enabled on any GitHub org/repo/environment to allow external systems to approve or reject deployments.
Each rule evaluates specific conditions in those external systems to assess the readiness of the environments for automated deployments, making them less risky and more robust.

Starting with this public beta, GitHub Enterprise Cloud (GHEC) users can create their own protection rules to control deployment workflows and, if desired, share them by publishing their apps to the GitHub Marketplace.
You could also install official apps for deployment protection rules from various external partners to define security, compliance and governance related conditions in their services that can be used to control deployments with Actions workflows.

Two custom deployment protection rules enabled on a production environment

Learn more about creating and configuring custom deployment protection rules to set up rigorous, streamlined guardrails for your deployments that ensure only the deployments that have passed all quality, security, and manual approval requirements make it to production.

For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community.
To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap.

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