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GitHub upgraded its OpenAPI description to the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) 3.1.

Upgrading to OAS 3.1 will enable us to add GitHub Webhooks to the description, simplify the description of nullable schemas, and reduce the description size by removing duplicate nullable reference schemas.

The GitHub OpenAPI description contains more than 600 operations exposed in our API. For visual exploration of the API, you can load the description as a Postman Collection. Programmatically, the description can be used to generate mock servers, test suites, and bindings for languages not supported by Octokit.

The description is provided under two formats. The bundled version is preferred for most use cases as it makes use of OpenAPI components for reuse and readability. For tooling that doesn't support inline references to components, we also provide a fully dereferenced version.

We are currently still publishing the 3.0 version of the description, which is now generally available in the latest release. The 3.1 version of the description is being published in parallel and can be found in the descriptions-next folder in the github/rest-api-description repository. More information about GitHub's OpenAPI description can also be found in our documentation.

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