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You can now set whether a repository allows forking when creating or updating it using either the REST or GraphQL API.

Previously, APIs for creating and updating repositories didn't consider the fields allow_forking (REST) or forkingAllowed (GraphQL). Now, this field can be set before invoking the API to configure whether a repository allows forking.

For reference, see documentation for the REST API and GraphQL API.

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Previously, in the code browser, when you were searching for a branch by typing its name, a branch with the exact name of what you typed could appear at the bottom of the list of matching branches. This made it hard to recognize and sometimes requiring scrolling to the end of the list to select the branch.

Now, when a branch name exactly matches what you type in the search box, it appears at the top of the list of matching branches for faster recognition and selection.


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When a new tag is created, the push webhook payload will now always include a head_commit object that contains the data of the commit that the new tag points to. In other words, the head_commit object will always contain the commit data of the payload's after commit.

Previously, during tag creation, there were certain circumstances where the head_commit would contain the data of a different commit.

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The new GraphQL mutation createCommitOnBranch makes it easier to add, update, and delete files in a branch of a repository.

This new API offers a simpler way to commit changes compared to the existing Git database REST APIs. With the new createCommitOnBranch mutation, you do not need to manually create blobs and trees before creating the commit. This allows you to add, update, or delete multiple files in a single API call.

Commits authored using the new API are automatically GPG signed and are marked as verified in the GitHub UI. GitHub Apps can use the mutation to author commits directly or on behalf of users.

See the GraphQL API reference for more information on using createCommitOnBranch. You can also try it in the GraphQL API Explorer! If you need a refresher on how to use the GraphQL API, see our guide.

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You can now use the web UI to synchronize an out of date branch of a fork with its upstream branch. If there are no merge conflicts between the branches, the fork's branch is updated either by fast-forwarding or by merging from the upstream's branch. If there are conflicts, you will be prompted to open a pull request to resolve.

Fetch upstream up to date, no conflict, and conflict flows

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GitHub CLI 1.9 allows you to work with GitHub Actions in your terminal:

  • List and view workflows and runs with gh workflow list, gh workflow view, gh run list, and gh run view
  • View the logs for a particular run with gh run view --log
  • View the logs for runs with jobs that failed with gh run view --log-failed
  • Download run artifacts with gh run download
  • Re-run runs with failed jobs using gh run rerun
  • Watch runs in progress using gh run watch
  • Trigger workflows with the workflow_dispatch event using gh workflow run
  • Enable and disable workflows with gh workflow enable and gh workflow disable

Learn more about GitHub CLI and check out the blog post to learn more about this release.

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