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Actions environments now makes it more secure to review and control deployments using manual approvals.

Previously, any user could trigger a workflow and also manually approve/reject a deployment job targeting a protected environment, if they are a required reviewer.

We are now introducing an option for environment admins to prevent required reviewers from self-reviews to secure deployments targeting their critical environments.
This would enforce that a different reviewer could approve and sign off the deployments, rather than the same user who triggered the run – making the deployments more secure.
Prevent self-reviews

Learn more about securing environments using deployment protection rules.
For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community.
To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap.

See more

We now allow defining selected tag patterns for securing your deployments that can run against Actions environments.

Previously environments supported 'Protection Rules' for restricting deployments only for selected deployment branches. We are now enhancing this feature for securing deployments based on selected "Deployment branches and tags".

Admins who want to have more secure and controlled deployments can now specify selected tags or tag patterns on their protected environments – Ex: They could now define that only deployments triggered by tags that match the pattern of "releases/*" could deploy to their "Production" environment.
Deployment Branches and Tags

Learn more about securing environments using deployment protection rules.
For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community.
To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap.

See more