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A CODEOWNERS file defines the users or teams responsible for different parts of your repository, and helps ensure the right people are included in pull request reviews. We've shipped some improvements that make it easier to work with CODEOWNERS!

Surfacing syntax errors

Syntax errors are now surfaced when viewing a CODEOWNERS file from the web. Previously, when a line in a CODEOWNERS file had a syntax error, it would be ignored or in some cases cause the entire CODEOWNERS file to not load.

Screenshot of a CODEOWNERS file with errors

GitHub Apps and Actions can access the same list of errors using new REST and GraphQL APIs.

See which CODEOWNERS will be requested for review

When creating a new pull request or after pushing new changes to a draft pull request, any CODEOWNERS that will be requested for review are now listed:

Screenshot of pending reviewers on a draft PR

This gives you an early look at who will be requested to review once the pull request is marked ready for review.

Comment on the same line

Comments in CODEOWNERS files can now appear at the end of a line, not just on their own line:

*.js    @js-owner       # All JavaSript files

Learn more about CODEOWNERS files.

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