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CodeQL 2.15.4 is rolling out to users of GitHub code scanning on this week, and all new functionality will also be included in GHES 3.12. Users of GHES 3.11 or older can upgrade their CodeQL version.

Important changes in this release include:

  • Performance improvements on large runners (instances with 8 to 16 vCPUs) lead to a reduction in end to end analysis time between 5% and 15%, due to more effective parallelization. Where possible, upgrading to larger instances is recommend for projects that currently use 4 or fewer vCPUs and take more than 10 minutes to analyze.
  • Analysis times for C and C++ code bases of any size are reduced on average by 6%
  • TypeScript 5.3, Java 21 and Python 3.12 are now supported.
  • We have resolved a problem causing scan timeouts on macOS (the default for Swift analysis). This problem affected up to 10% of scans for some projects. Although timeouts may still occur, they are now expected in less than 0.5% of scans. We are actively addressing the remaining issues.

For a full list of changes, please refer to the complete changelog for version 2.15.4.

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CodeQL 2.15.3 is rolling out to users of GitHub code scanning on this week, and all new functionality will also be included in GHES 3.12. Users of GHES 3.11 or older can upgrade their CodeQL version.

Important changes in this release include:

For a full list of changes, please refer to the complete changelog for version 2.15.3.

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Organization owners can now create and assign custom organization roles, which grant members and teams specific sets of privileges within the organization. Like custom repository roles, organization roles are made up of one or more fine-grained permissions, such as “read audit logs” or “manage repository rulesets”, and apply to the organization itself rather than the repository. This feature is available in all Enterprise Cloud organizations and will come to GitHub Enterprise Server by version 3.13.

A screenshot of the role creation page, with a new role called "Auditor" that grants access to just the audit log permission.

Today, organization custom roles supports 10 permissions:

Roles can be assigned by an organization owner only, to prevent accidental escalation of privileges, and can be assigned to users and teams. Multiple organization roles can be assigned directly to a user or team. Users and teams inherit roles from the teams they are a part of.

A screenshot showing a user that's assigned to two different roles.

More organization permissions will be built over time, similar to how repository permissions were added as well. If you have a specific permission you’d like to see added please get in touch with your account team or let us know in the discussion below. Everything you can see in the organization settings menu is an option, and we’ll be working with teams across GitHub to get those permissions created.

To learn more about custom organization roles, see “About custom organization roles“, and for the REST APIs to manage and assign these roles programmatically see “Organization roles“. For feedback and suggestions for organization permissions, please join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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Starting today, apps and tokens used to create a release via the REST API endpoint will require the workflow scope or workflows:write permission in certain cases.

The workflow scope or workflows:write will be required when creating a release that targets a commit SHA (target_commitish) that modifies an Actions workflow file and that SHA does not have an existing ref (branch head or tag).

For more details see the REST API documentation or visit the GitHub Actions community if you have any questions.

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Users who are not part of the mandatory 2FA program will now be added to it within 24 hours of creating their first release. In August we expanded the 2FA requirement to include most users that had created a release. Those groups have now completed their 2FA enrollment, but additional developers have since created their first release. They will be added to the 2FA program in the coming days, as will more users over time as they create releases.

Enterprise or organization administrators can learn more about their users' current 2FA requirements by visiting the People page for their enterprise or organization.

To learn more about the 2FA program, see our May 2023 blog post, as well as the “About the mandatory 2FA program” documentation.

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The GitHub Advanced Security billing REST API and CSV download now includes the email addresses for active committers. This provides information for insights into Advanced Security license usage across your business. Here is an example response from the GitHub Advanced Security billing REST API:

      "advanced_security_committers_breakdown": [
          "user_login": "octokitten",
          "last_pushed_date": "2023-10-26",
          "last_pushed_email": ""

Read more about the GHAS billing API here and the GHAS billing CSV download here.

This is available now on and will ship to GitHub Enterprise Server 3.12

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Code scanning default setup now automatically attempts to analyze all CodeQL supported languages in a repository. This means default setup supports all CodeQL languages at the organization level, including enabling code scanning from an organization's Security Overview coverage page or settings page.

Previously, users would have to manually include the languages C, C++, C#, Java, or Kotlin in a default setup analysis, and enabling these languages was not supported at the organization level. Now, code scanning default setup automatically attempts to analyze all languages supported by CodeQL in a repository. If any analyses fail, the failed language will be automatically deselected from the code scanning configuration. Any alerts from the successfully analyzed languages will be shown on GitHub. This means code scanning will automatically set up the best possible configuration to get started easily with CodeQL and show the most relevant alerts to developers.

A warning banner is shown in the repository settings page if any languages fail and are deseslected. The "edit configuration" page shows all languages in the configuration, and allows users to change the language selection if required. For more information about the languages and versions supported by CodeQL and code scanning, see Supported languages and frameworks. To learn more about code scanning, see About code scanning.

This change is already available on and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.12.

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To enable developers to write code as securely as possible in their language of choice and using the latest features available, we constantly update code scanning with CodeQL. As such we are happy to announce that CodeQL now supports analyzing code written in Go 1.21.

Go 1.21 support is available by default in code scanning, CodeQL version 2.14.6, and GHES 3.11. For more information about the languages and versions supported by CodeQL and code scanning, see Supported languages and frameworks. To learn more about code scanning, see About code scanning.

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In February 2022, we introduced experimental CodeQL queries that utilize machine learning to identify more potential vulnerabilities. This feature was only available for JavaScript / TypeScript code and was available to code scanning users that enabled the optional security-extended or security-and-quality query suites.

We disabled this experimental feature for new code scanning users in June 2023. Today, we're sunsetting it for all users.

Any currently open code scanning alerts from these queries (Rule ID starts with js/ml-powered/) will be closed. Closed alerts will still be visible in the code scanning alerts view in your repository’s Security tab. The complete history of each alert will remain accessible by clicking on the alert.

CodeQL will continue to run the existing non-ML versions of these queries and provide you with highly precise and actionable alerts.

We’ve learned a lot from the feedback and experience of the repositories that participated in this experiment, and we’ve since ramped up our investment in AI-powered security technology. This new technology is already boosting our ability to cover more sources and sinks of untrusted data in order to significantly increase the coverage and depth of all queries.

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On September 27, 2023, we began blocking npm package publishes with differing name or version fields between the manifest and tarball package.json. This blocking protects against obfuscation. The different fields in the manifests have been assessed from a risk-based perspective. We will continue to analyze for other mismatches that can be blocked that won’t have adverse effects on the ecosystem. If a package is blocked, a user may receive an error message similar to “Package ‘version’ is “1.0.4”. It should match “1.0.3” from “package.json” in packaged tarball. Make all changes to package.json before packaging a tarball to publish.” In addition, a new tool, npm pkg fix, can help users fix any validation errors from the registry when they attempt to publish a package.

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npm provenance is now generally available.

npm packages built on a supported cloud CI/CD system can publish with provenance. Today this includes GitHub Actions and GitLab CI/CD.

Publishing with provenance verifiably links the package back to its source repository and build instructions. Provenance is restricted to public packages and public source repositories only.

npm will check the linked source commit and repository when you view a package's provenance information on If the linked source commit or repository cannot be found, an error displays at the top of the page and alongside the provenance information to let you know that provenance for this package can no longer be established. This can happen when a repository is deleted or made private.

Once published, packages display provenance on the registry website:

Provenance displayed on the registry website

For more information, see generating provenance.

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Passkeys are a replacement for passwords when signing in, providing higher security, ease-of-use, and loss-protection. They are now generally available on for all users. By using a passkey you no longer need to enter a password, or even your username, when you sign in – nor do you need to perform 2FA, if you have 2FA enabled on your account. This is because passkeys validate your identity, as well as possession of a device, so they count as two authentication factors in one. Once enrolled, you can register a brand new passkey and upgrade many security keys to passkeys.

Screenshot of the security key upgrade prompt, asking the user if they'd like to upgrade a security key called 'fingerprint' to a passkey.

To learn more, check out our documentation "About passkeys", as well as this previous blog post from the passkeys beta announcement. If you have any feedback, please drop us a note in our public discussion – we're excited for this advance in account security, and would love to understand how we can make it better for you.

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Code scanning with CodeQL now supports Java codebases that use Project Lombok. Previously, code scanning users were able to scan Java applications that contained Lombok code, but all the contents of files containing Lombok code were either skipped or users had to apply a workaround to prepare the applications for scanning. The improved support means that code with Lombok features will be automatically scanned without requiring any workaround.

As more code will now be analyzed by the CodeQL engine, we can establish more accurate data flow (or lack thereof) through Lombok code. This might have an impact on the number of alerts produced by a scan. The most common scenario is that additional alerts appear in the newly-analyzed code. Conversely, there is a very small chance that some existing alerts are closed.

Improved support for Java applications built using Lombok is available for code scanning users on starting today and GitHub Enterprise Server users starting with 3.11. CodeQL CLI will provide out of the box support starting with the upcoming version 2.14.4. Security researchers can set up the CodeQL CLI and VS Code extension by following these instructions.

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We have released a new API for people who write custom CodeQL queries which make use of dataflow analysis. The new API offers additional flexibility, improvements that prevent common pitfalls with the old API, and improves query evaluation performance by 5%. Whether you’re writing CodeQL queries for personal interest, or are participating in the bounty programme to help us secure the world’s code: this post will help you move from the old API to the new one.

This API change is relevant only for users who write their own custom CodeQL queries. Code scanning users who use GitHub’s standard CodeQL query suites will not need to make any changes.

With the introduction of the new dataflow API, the old API will be deprecated. The old API will continue to work until December 2024; the CodeQL CLI will start emitting deprecation warnings in December 2023.

To demonstrate how to update CodeQL queries from the old to the new API, consider this example query which uses the soon-to-be-deprecated API:

class SensitiveLoggerConfiguration extends TaintTracking::Configuration {
  SensitiveLoggerConfiguration() { this = "SensitiveLoggerConfiguration" } // 6: characteristic predicate with dummy string value (see below)

  override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { source.asExpr() instanceof CredentialExpr }

  override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) { sinkNode(sink, "log-injection") }

  override predicate isSanitizer(DataFlow::Node sanitizer) {
    sanitizer.asExpr() instanceof LiveLiteral or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof PrimitiveType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof BoxedType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof NumberType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof TypeType

  override predicate isSanitizerIn(DataFlow::Node node) { this.isSource(node) }

import DataFlow::PathGraph

from SensitiveLoggerConfiguration cfg, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink
where cfg.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "This $@ is written to a log file.",
  "potentially sensitive information"

To convert the query to the new API:

  1. You use a module instead of a class. A CodeQL module does not extend anything, it instead implements a signature. For both data flow and taint tracking configurations this is DataFlow::ConfigSig or DataFlow::StateConfigSigif FlowState is needed.
  2. Previously, you would choose between data flow or taint tracking by extending DataFlow::Configuration or TaintTracking::Configuration. Instead, now you define your data or taint flow by instantiating either the DataFlow::Global<..> or TaintTracking::Global<..> parameterized modules with your implementation of the shared signature and this is where the choice between data flow and taint tracking is made.
  3. Predicates no longer override anything, because you are defining a module.
  4. The concepts of sanitizers and barriers are now unified under isBarrier and it applies to both taint tracking and data flow configurations. You must use isBarrier instead of isSanitizer and isBarrierIn instead of isSanitizerIn.
  5. Similarly, instead of the taint tracking predicate isAdditionalTaintStep you use isAdditionalFlowStep .
  6. A characteristic predicate with a dummy string value is no longer needed.
  7. Do not use the generic DataFlow::PathGraph. Instead, the PathGraph will be imported directly from the module you are using. For example, SensitiveLoggerFlow::PathGraph in the updated version of the example query below.
  8. Similar to the above, you’ll use the PathNode type from the resulting module and not from DataFlow.
  9. Since you no longer have a configuration class, you’ll use the module directly in the from and where clauses. Instead of using e.g. cfg.hasFlowPath or cfg.hasFlow from a configuration object cfg, you’ll use flowPath or flow from the module you’re working with.

Taking all of the above changes into account, here’s what the updated query looks like:

module SensitiveLoggerConfig implements DataFlow::ConfigSig {  // 1: module always implements DataFlow::ConfigSig or DataFlow::StateConfigSig
  predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { source.asExpr() instanceof CredentialExpr } // 3: no need to specify 'override'
  predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) { sinkNode(sink, "log-injection") }

  predicate isBarrier(DataFlow::Node sanitizer) {  // 4: 'isBarrier' replaces 'isSanitizer'
    sanitizer.asExpr() instanceof LiveLiteral or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof PrimitiveType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof BoxedType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof NumberType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof TypeType

  predicate isBarrierIn(DataFlow::Node node) { isSource(node) } // 4: isBarrierIn instead of isSanitizerIn


module SensitiveLoggerFlow = TaintTracking::Global<SensitiveLoggerConfig>; // 2: TaintTracking selected 

import SensitiveLoggerFlow::PathGraph  // 7: the PathGraph specific to the module you are using

from SensitiveLoggerFlow::PathNode source, SensitiveLoggerFlow::PathNode sink  // 8 & 9: using the module directly
where SensitiveLoggerFlow::flowPath(source, sink)  // 9: using the flowPath from the module 
select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "This $@ is written to a log file.", source.getNode(),
  "potentially sensitive information"

While not covered in this example, you can also implement the DataFlow::StateConfigSig signature if flow-state is needed. You then instantiate DataFlow::GlobalWithState or TaintTracking::GlobalWithState with your implementation of that signature. Another change specific to flow-state is that instead of using DataFlow::FlowState, you now define a FlowState class as a member of the module. This is useful for using types other than string as the state (e.g. integers, booleans). An example of this implementation can be found here.

This functionality is available with CodeQL version 2.13.0. If you would like to get started with writing your own custom CodeQL queries, follow these instructions to get started with the CodeQL CLI and the VS Code extension.

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