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You can now add organisation-level CodeQL model packs to improve code scanning coverage for your GitHub organization. This ensures that custom libraries and frameworks are recognised by CodeQL.

In most cases, the out-of-the-box CodeQL threat models provide the best coverage for identifying potential vulnerabilities in your GitHub repositories using code scanning. The CodeQL team at GitHub keeps a close eye on the most widely-used open-source libraries and frameworks to ensure CodeQL recognizes untrusted data that enters an application. For cases which cannot be covered by default, such as custom-built or inner-sourced frameworks and libraries, you can create custom CodeQL model packs to help CodeQL detect additional security vulnerabilities in your code.

Configuring CodeQL model packs in the organisation code security and analysis settings

When you configure CodeQL model packs at scale, the packs will be used in every code scanning analysis that uses default setup in the organization. By default, code scanning will download the latest version of each model pack, meaning that the latest changes to the pack (such as adding information about new frameworks) will automatically be included. Alternatively, you can configure specific sets of CodeQL models to use by stating a specific version (or version range). For more information, see Editing your configuration of default setup in the GitHub documentation.

You can use the CodeQL model editor in VS Code to easily create custom CodeQL model packs for libraries and frameworks written in C# and Java/Kotlin. Custom CodeQL model packs are also supported for code written in JavaScript and Ruby and we will be adding support for these and other CodeQL-supported languages in the CodeQL model editor in the future.

This functionality is now available on and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.14.

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Secret scanning has recently expanded coverage to GitHub discussions and pull requests.

GitHub is now performing a backfill scan, which will detect any historically existing secrets found in GitHub discussions and pull request bodies or comments.

For repositories with secret scanning enabled, if a secret is detected in a discussion or pull request, you will receive a secret scanning alert for it. Public leaks detected in public GitHub discussion or pull requests will also be sent to providers participating in the secret scanning partnership program.

Sign up for a 60 minute feedback session on secret scanning and be compensated for your time.

Learn how to secure your repositories with secret scanning or become a secret scanning partner.

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GitHub secret scanning now supports validity checks for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account credentials and Slack webhooks. This improvement involves changes to how account credentials for GCP are detected and alerted on.

What’s changing

Secret scanning alerts for Slack webhooks now support validity checks, in addition to previously supported Slack API tokens.

In addition, secret scanning now also alerts on complete GCP service account credential objects which include the fully matched private key, private key ID, and certificate URLs. These alerts support validity checks. As part of this change, you will no longer receive alerts for GCP private key IDs.

About validity checks

Validity checks indicate if the leaked credentials are active and could still be exploited. If you’ve previously enabled validation checks for a given repository, GitHub will now automatically check validity for alerts on supported token types.

Validity checks are available for repositories with GitHub Advanced Security on Enterprise Cloud. You can enable the feature at the enterprise, organization, or repository level from the “Code security and analysis” settings page by checking the option to “automatically verify if a secret is valid by sending it to the relevant partner.”

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Learn more about secret scanning or our supported patterns for validity checks.

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CodeQL is the static analysis engine that powers GitHub code scanning. CodeQL version 2.17.0 has been released and has now been rolled out to code scanning users on

Important changes in this release include:

For a full list of changes, please refer to the complete changelog for version 2.17.0. All new functionality will also be included in GHES 3.13. Users of GHES 3.12 or older can upgrade their CodeQL version.

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Use CodeQL threat model settings for C# (beta) to adapt CodeQL’s code scanning analysis to detect the most relevant security vulnerabilities in your code.

CodeQL’s default threat model works for the vast majority of codebases. It considers data from remote sources (such as HTTP requests) as tainted. We previously released CodeQL threat model settings for Java to allow you to optionally mark local sources of data (such as data from local files, command-line arguments, environment variables, and databases) as tainted in order to help security teams and developers uncover and fix more potential security vulnerabilities in their code. CodeQL threat model settings are now available for C#, meaning that you can now enable similar local sources of taint in your code scanning analysis of code wriitten in C#.

If your repository is running code scanning default setup on C# or Java code, go to the Code security and analysis settings and click Edit configuration under Code scanning default setup. Here, you can change the threat model to Remote and local sources. For more information, see the documentation on including local sources of tainted data in default setup.

Threat model setting in CodeQL default configuration

If your repository is running code scanning advanced setup on C# or Java code, you can customize the CodeQL threat model by editing the code scanning workflow file. For more information, see the documentation on extending CodeQL coverage with threat models. If you run the CodeQL CLI on the command-line or in third party CI/CD, you can specify a --threat-model when running a code scanning analysis. For more information see the CodeQL CLI documentation.

As part of this work, we made changes to some of the queries included in the default code scanning suite for C# to better align with local and remote threat model settings. As a result you may see slightly fewer alerts when using the default threat model for remote sources. For more information about which queries are impacted, see the changelog for CodeQL 2.17.0.

CodeQL threat model settings (beta) in code scanning default setup is available on for repositories containing Java and C# code. Support for configuring threat model settings for C# will be shipped in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.14. Users of GHES 3.12 or older can also upgrade the version of CodeQL used in code scanning.

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Today, we’re releasing security tool-specific filters for the security overview dashboard and secret scanning metrics page.

Security tool-centric filters in the filter bar drop-down on the overview dashboard

Have you ever wondered, “How well is my organization handling SQL injections?” or “How quickly are we responding to [partner name] secret leaks?” Maybe you’re curious about the pace of updating your npm dependencies. Well, wonder no more!

With our new security tool filters, you can tailor your search to the exact details you’re curious about, giving you a more focused and relevant report for your needs.

Discover the new filters that are designed to transform your security analysis:

  • Dependabot filters: Zero in on a specific ecosystem, package, and dependency scope.
  • CodeQL/third-party filters: Drill down to the rule that matters most to you.
  • Secret scanning filters: Get granular with filters for secret type, provider, push protection bypassed status and validity.

These features are now available as a public beta on GitHub Enterprise Cloud and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.14.

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Secret scanning is expanding coverage to GitHub wiki content. If secret scanning is enabled for your repository, you’ll automatically begin to receive alerts for newly introduced secrets found in your GitHub wiki.

Publicly leaked secrets in GitHub wikis will also be sent to secret scanning partners participating in the secret scanning partner program.

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Sign up for a 60 minute feedback session on secret scanning and be compensated for your time.

Learn how to secure your repositories with secret scanning or become a secret scanning partner.

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Code security configurations simplify the rollout of GitHub security products at scale by defining collections of security settings that can be applied to groups of repositories. Your organization can apply the ‘GitHub recommended’ security configuration, which applies GitHub’s suggested settings for Dependabot, secret scanning, and code scanning. Alternatively, you can instead create your own custom security configurations. For example, an organization could create a ‘High risk’ security configuration for production repositories, and a ‘Minimum protection’ security configuration for internal repositories. This lets you manage security settings based on different risk profiles and security needs. Your organization can also set a default security configuration which is automatically applied to new repositories, avoiding any gaps in your coverage.

With security configurations, you can also see the additional number of GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) licenses that are required to apply a configuration, or made available by disabling GHAS features on selected repositories. This lets you understand license usage when you roll out GitHub’s code security features in your organization.

Security configurations are now available in public beta on, and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.15. You can learn more about security configurations or send us your feedback.

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Dependabot grouped security updates are now generally available. This feature automatically groups Dependabot pull requests, lets you specify several additional options to fine tune your groupings.

You can enable grouped security updates for Dependabot at the repository or organization-level. To enable this feature, go to your repository or organization settings page, then go to the Code security and analysis tab, and click “Enable” for grouped security updates (this also requires each affected repository to enable Dependency graph, Dependabot alerts, and Dependabot security updates). When you enable this feature, Dependabot will collect all available security updates in a repository and attempt to open one pull request with all of them, per ecosystem, across directories.

If you would like more granular control over Dependabot’s grouping, you can also configure the dependabot.yml file in a repository to group by any of the following:

  • Package name
  • Dependency type (production vs development)
  • Semver update level (patch, minor, major)

For additional information, check out the Dependabot configuration file documentation.

For GitHub Enterprise Server users, grouped security updates will be available in Version 3.14.

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We have partnered with Mergify to scan for their tokens to help secure our mutual users in public repositories. Mergify’s API key enables users to interact with Mergify’s API in order to retrieve information on their merge queues. GitHub will forward any exposed API keys found in public repositories to Mergify, who will then revoke the key and notify the key owner. Read more information about Mergify API keys.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for and block Mergify tokens in their private repositories.
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GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets. By identifying and flagging these secrets, we help protect users from data leaks and fraud associated with exposed data.

We have partnered with volcengine to scan for their access tokens, which are used for cloud computing services. We’ll forward access tokens found in public repositories to volcengine, who will notify the user by email without making any changes to the tokens. Users can request support for their volcengine API tokens.

We continue to welcome new partners for public repository secret scanning. GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan their private repositories for leaked secrets.
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GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets such as tokens and private keys. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.

We have partnered with Lightspeed to scan for their tokens to help secure our mutual users in public repositories. Lightspeed Retail Personal Tokens enable users to interact with Lightspeed Retail POS programmatically. Read more information about Lightspeed tokens.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for and block Lightspeed tokens in their private repositories.

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GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets such as tokens and private keys. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.

We have partnered with WorkOS to scan for their tokens to help secure our mutual users in public repositories. WorkOS’ API key enables access to WorkOS’ API for adding Enterprise Ready features to your application. GitHub will forward any exposed API keys found in public repositories to WorkOS, who will then notify admin users on your WorkOS account. Read more information about WorkOS API keys.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for and block WorkOS tokens in their private repositories.

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With the 2.16.5 release of CodeQL, we’re introducing a new mechanism for creating a CodeQL database for Java codebases, without relying on a build. This enables organizations to more easily adopt CodeQL for Java projects at scale. Note: this release announcement contains details for users of the CodeQL CLI and advanced setup for code scanning. If you’re using GitHub code scanning default setup (which is powered by the CodeQL engine), this related release announcement will likely contain the information you’re looking for.

Previously, CodeQL required a working build to analyze Java projects. This could either be automatically detected or manually specified. Starting with CodeQL 2.16.5, you can now scan Java code without the need for a build. Our large-scale testing has shown that CodeQL can be successfully enabled for over 90% of Java repos without manual intervention.

This feature is currently in public beta and is accessible to all advanced setup for code scanning and CodeQL CLI users scanning Java code:

  • Repositories using advanced setup for code scanning via workflow files will have the option to choose a build-mode. The default value for newly configured Java repos will be build-mode: none.
  • CodeQL CLI users will not experience any change in the default behaviour, for compatibility with existing workflows. Users that want to enable this feature can now use the --build-mode none option. Generally, we also recommend users set the --build-mode option when using the CLI to make it easier to debug and persist the configuration should default behaviour change at any point in the future.
    codeql database create test_no_build_db --language java --build-mode none

  • Repositories containing a mix of Kotlin and Java code still require a working build for CodeQL analysis.

The new mechanism for scanning Java is available on and in CodeQL CLI 2.16.5. While in public beta, this feature will not be available on GitHub Enterprise Server for default setup or advanced setup for code scanning. As we continue to work on scanning Java projects without the need for working builds, send us your feedback.

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Today, we’re releasing a host of new insights to the security overview dashboard, as well as an enhanced secret scanning metrics page.

New dashboard insights

overview dashboard with third-party tools, the trend indicator for age of alerts, and reopened alerts tile highlighted

  • Third-party alerts integration: Beyond GitHub’s own CodeQL, secret scanning, and Dependabot security tools, you can now view alert metrics for third-party tools directly on the overview dashboard. Use tool:[third-party-tool name] to view metrics for a specific third-party security tool, or tool:third-party to view metrics for all third-party security alerts.
  • Reopened alerts tracking: Uncover recurring vulnerabilities with the new reopened alerts metric tile, which identifies vulnerabilities that have resurfaced after being previously resolved. This data point helps assess the long-term effectiveness of your remediation efforts.
  • Trend indicators: Review changes over time with trend indicators for key metrics like age of alerts, mean time to remediate, net resolve rate, and total alert count. These indicators offer a clear view of performance shifts and trends between a given date range and that same range reflected backward in time.
  • Advisories tab: Stay informed with the new advisories table, which details the top 10 alert advisories affecting your organization, including the advisories’ CVE IDs, ecosystems, open alert counts, and severities.

Secret scanning metrics page enhancements

secret scanning metrics page with filter bar highlighted

You can now refine your insights with filters for dates, repository custom properties, teams, and more on the secret scanning metrics page. These new filters empower you to pinpoint specific repositories and view changes over time, enabling a more targeted analysis. Additionally, if you are an organization member, you can now view metrics for the repositories you have access to.

These features are now available as a public beta on GitHub Enterprise Cloud and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13.

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