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When uploading a SARIF file that contains multiple SARIF runs for the same tool and category,
Code Scanning combines those runs into a single run.

Combining multiple runs within the same SARIF file is an undocumented feature that was originally intended to simplify uploading multiple analyses for the same commit. Since then, we have introduced the explicit concept of category to be able to upload multiple analysis for the same commit, thus better aligning with the SARIF Specification.

Today, we are starting the deprecation path for the combination of multiple SARIF runs with the same tool and category within the same file. Specifically, in the next few days, the github/codeql-action/upload-sarif action will start showing a deprecation warning when using 3rd party tools that rely on the combination of multiple SARIF runs with the same tool and category within the same file. While showing the deprecation warning, the upload of the SARIF file will succeed.

We expect to fully stop combining multiple SARIF runs with the same tool and category within the same file in June 2025 (for and in GHES 3.18, at which point the upload of the SARIF file will fail.

How does this affect me?

You are affected if you are using the github/codeql-action/upload-sarif action to upload results from a 3rd party Code Scanning tool and the tool generates multiple runs with the same category in a single SARIF file.
If that is the case, you will start seeing the deprecation warning, and you should work with the tool provider so that each run in the SARIF file has a distinct tool or category.

You are affected if you are using github/codeql-action/upload-sarif action to upload multiple SARIF files from a 3rd party tool. You can end up with multiple SARIF files if the tool either generates multiple SARIF files itself or if you are using a matrix build to run multiple analyses. Specifically, if you are doing a matrix build that generates multiple SARIF files and have a dedicated job to upload all the SARIF files together. For example, your workflow might look like the following if you analyze two apps using a matrix build but then have a dedicated upload job to upload all the SARIF files together:

        app: ['app1', 'app2']

    - name: SAST Scan

    - name: Temporary store SARIF file
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
        name: sarif-${{ }}
        path: "results"

      name: Upload SARIF
      needs: analyze
      - name: Fetch SARIF files
          uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
          path: ../results
          pattern: sarif-*
          merge-multiple: true

      - name: Upload Results
          uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3

In this case, you need to make the call to the github/codeql-action/upload-sarif action to include a distinct category. For example, you can embed the step in the matrix job and use the matrix variables to generate a unique category. In this way, the example above becomes:

        app: ['app1', 'app2']

    - name: SAST Scan

    - name: Upload Results
      uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3
        category: ${{ }}

Note that changing the value of the category causes older alerts to remain open, and you might want to delete the configuration using the previous category value.

You are not affected if you are only using CodeQL via the github/codeql-action action. For the few repositories that rely on this behavior, the CodeQL CLI (starting version 2.17.0) includes backwards compatible logic.

You are not affected if you are uploading multiple SARIF files for the same commit using one of the documented approaches.

What’s next?

In June 2025, SARIF uploads to that contain multiple runs with the same tool and category will be rejected.

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GitHub Importer is a tool that quickly imports source code repositories, including commits and revision history, to As part of this release, GitHub Importer has implemented a new method for git source migration that will provide users with improved reliability and more detailed error handling when migrating git source repositories to GitHub. Click here to import your project to GitHub.

As previously communicated, this change comes with the ending of support for the REST API endpoints for source imports. Moving forward, these endpoints will return an error. Users are encouraged to make use of the new import repository page instead.

Lastly, we previously announced that GitHub Importer will no longer support importing Mercurial, Subversion and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) repositories. Effective today, we’ve ended support for this functionality due to extremely low levels of usage. Moving from these alternative version control systems to Git is simple thanks to fantastic open source tools – for more details, read our Docs article, “Using the command line to import source code”.

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Starting January 30th, 2025, GitHub Actions customers will no longer be able to use v3 of actions/upload-artifact or actions/download-artifact. Customers should update workflows to begin using v4 of the artifact actions as soon as possible. While v4 of the artifact actions improves upload and download speeds by up to 98% and includes several new features, there are key differences from previous versions that may require updates to your workflows. Please see the documentation in the project repositories for guidance on how to migrate your workflows.

The deprecation of v3 will be similar to the previously announced v1 and v2 deprecation plans, which is scheduled to take place on June 30, 2024. Version tags will not be removed from the project repositories, however, attempting to use a version of the actions after the deprecation date will result in a workflow failure. Artifacts within their retention period will remain accessible from the UI or REST API regardless of the version used to upload. This deprecation will not impact any existing versions of GitHub Enterprise Server being used by customers.

This announcement will also be added to actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact. Please visit the documentation to learn more about storing workflow data as artifacts in Actions.

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Docker Compose v1 has been deprecated as of July 2023. All customers utilizing Compose v1 on GitHub-hosted runners are encouraged to migrate to Compose v2. Per GitHub’s support policy we will remove this tool from our GitHub managed runner images effective July 9, 2024.

To avoid breaking changes, customers will need to update their Actions workflow files from using docker-compose to docker compose. After July 9, workflows will begin to fail that are using the previous syntax. Customers are advised to review the migration instructions to ensure they are making all the changes required.

For more information on GitHub managed images, see the runner-images repository.

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On December 14, 2023, GitHub Actions released v4 of the actions to upload and download artifacts. This version improves upload/download speeds by up to 98%, addresses long-standing customer feedback requests, and represents the future of artifacts in GitHub Actions.

With the introduction of v4, we will be deprecating v1 and v2 of actions/upload-artifact, actions/download-artifact, and related npm packages on June 30, 2024. We strongly encourage customers to update their workflows to begin using v4 of the artifact actions.

In order to prevent issues for customers using GitHub Connect, the tags for v1 through v2 will not be removed from the actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact project repositories. However, attempting to use a version of the actions after the announced deprecation date will result in a workflow failure. This deprecation will not impact any existing versions of GitHub Enterprise Server being used by customers.

This announcement will also be added to actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact. Please visit the documentation to learn more about storing workflow data as artifacts in Actions.

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The public beta Activity Overview of Organization Insights for GitHub Enterprise Cloud will be deprecated on January 5, 2024. Since its initial beta launch in 2019, the amount of data calculation and storage required for these views has proven untenable in its current format and the underlying service will be taken offline later in January. Metrics-specific integrations such as Cauldron are available to read, store, and visualize your organization’s data via the GitHub API, as well as more general-purpose data visualization platforms such as PowerBI or Grafana. The Dependency Insights feature will not be impacted.

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We're simplifying how Dependabot operates! Previously, if Dependabot encountered errors in its last run, it would automatically re-run the job when there were changes in the package manifest (like adding or changing dependencies). This often led to Dependabot running more than needed and creating unscheduled pull requests. To streamline the process and stick to the schedules you set, this automated re-run feature is being deprecated.

Dependabot will still run jobs according to your schedule, and you'll have the option to manually trigger jobs whenever necessary.

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As of August 17, 2023, Dependabot updates no longer support Python 3.6 or 3.7, which have reached their end-of-life. If your code uses these versions, Dependabot will no longer be able to open pull requests in your repository and will log errors. Update to at least Python 3.8 to ensure your code is secure and Dependabot can still run.

This change impacts Dependabot pull requests only – you will continue to receive Dependabot alerts for dependencies with known vulnerabilities. To resolve the alert, you can upgrade the affected package yourself manually.

View the official release cycle for Python for more information on supported versions.

Learn more about supported package managers for Dependabot

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For security reasons, source IP addresses have been removed from error messages that are returned from the GitHub API when callers try to access protected resources from non-permitted IP addresses.

To learn more about IP allow lists, visit Restricting network traffic to your enterprise with an IP allow list in the GitHub documentation.

If you'd like to learn more about your source IP addresses, please contact GitHub Support.

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As of August 17, 2023, Dependabot will no longer support Python 3.6 or 3.7, which have reached their end-of-life. If your code uses these versions, Dependabot will no longer be able to open pull requests in your repository and will log errors. Update to at least Python 3.8 to ensure your code is secure and Dependabot can still run.

View the official release cycle for Python for more information on supported versions.

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GitHub Importer allows you to import repositories from other code hosting platforms to using a UI or REST API.

Today, GitHub Importer supports Git, Mercurial, Subversion and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) repositories.

From April 12, 2024, we will no longer support importing Mercurial, Subversion and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) repositories. We’re ending support for this functionality due to extremely low levels of usage.

Even without GitHub Importer, moving from these alternative version control systems to Git is simple thanks to fantastic open source tools – for more details, read our Docs article, “Using the command line to import source code”.

EDIT: The original end of support date in this post was October 17, 2023. We delayed this change in order to give customers more time to adapt.


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Today we are announcing the deprecation of Team Discussions, which will have individual sunset timelines for, API, and GHES users. Please see below for full details.

Last year, we introduced Organization Discussions, a way for teams to scope their discussions to the organization-level rather than the repository-level. Today, Organization Discussions has grown to include a number of features – including Categories, Category forms, Threaded comments, Q&A features (marking a comment as an answer), Polls, and Labels.

As we continue to invest and enhance Organization Discussions, we will be sunsetting Team Discussions. To migrate your existing Team Discussions to Organization Discussions, maintainers can click on the banner at the top of their Team Discussions page:

Screenshot 2023-02-07 at 3 32 28 PM

Following deprecation, access to any unmigrated Team Discussions will be available as raw text, but there won't be any ability to add, modify, or delete Team Discussions.

The deprecation will follow these timelines: Timeline:

  • Feb 8, 2023: A banner to migrate will be visible to maintainers at the top of their Team Discussions page, with the migration tooling included.
  • May 8, 2023: Team Discussions will be deprecated.
  • After May 8, 2023: Access to unmigrated Team Discussions will be available as raw text, but the UI won’t be available to add, modify, or delete Team Discussions.

GHES Timeline:

  • August 8, 2023: Team Discussions will be marked for deprecation in version 3.10. A banner to migrate will be visible to maintainers at the top of their Team Discussions page, with the migration tooling included.
  • February 27, 2024: Team Discussions will be removed in version 3.12.
  • After February 27, 2024: Access to unmigrated Team Discussions will be available as raw text, but the UI won’t be available to add, modify, or delete Team Discussions.

API Timeline:

  • The Team Discussions API will be deprecated in the next calendar version (no sooner than April 30th, 2023)

For questions or feedback, please visit our community.

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As part of the ongoing initiative to deprecate legacy global IDs, you will begin to see deprecation warnings for GraphQL node queries using the legacy ID format.

The deprecation warnings will look like this:

  "data": {
    "node": {
      "login": "ahoglund",
  "extensions": {
    "warnings": [
        "type": "DEPRECATION",
        "message": "The id MDQ6VXNlcjM0MDczMDM= is deprecated. Update your cache to use the next_global_id from the data payload.",
        "data": {
          "next_global_id": "U_kgDOADP9xw"
        "link": ""

This will not impact the data portion of the payload. We recommend using these deprecation warnings along with the X-Github-Next-Global-ID to begin migrating any of your caches that contain legacy IDs. More information on how to migrate can be found in our last update as well as in the GitHub documentation.

If you have any concerns about the rollout of this change impacting your usage of the GitHub GraphQL API, please contact us and include any relevant information, so that we can better assist you.

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