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GitHub Codespaces allows teams and organizations to spin-up developer environments directly from a browser or through Visual Studio Code, without the hassle of setting up a brand new environment tailored to a specific repository.

We've been hard at work since our general availability announcement in August making Codespaces the best way for you to develop software, which is why we're so happy to announce several new features at GitHub Universe 2021.

We know that many developers use the gh CLI to speed up or fully automate daily tasks, and we've received dozens of requests to add Codespaces support to the CLI. As of today, the gh codespace (or gh cs for those saving keystrokes) command now allows developers to manage their codespaces from the GitHub CLI. In addition to codespace creation, listing, and starting/stopping, users can forward ports, set port visibility, SSH into their codespaces, and copy files to/from their codespaces.

# Create a new codespace via the CLI
gh codespace create --repo monalisa/octocat --branch main

We're especially excited about ssh access, as it allows developers who prefer to use editors like vim and emacs to more easily develop in Codespaces. Just gh cs ssh into your codespace and launch your editor of choice; we'll set up the environment and grab all your dotfiles so you're ready to develop in seconds.

# SSH into the codespace created above
gh codespace ssh -c monalisa-monalisa-octocat-1337h4x0r

Complimenting the CLI, we are also launching an API in beta. The API provides control plane operations around a user's codespaces including creating, starting/stopping, listing available machine types, and setting user secrets. These APIs will allow developers to build Codespaces integrations into their favorite editors and tools, as well as allow for additional automation around Codespaces.

# Stop a running codespace via the API
curl \
  -H "Authorization: token <Personal Access Token>" \

We also know that security and privacy are critical, and we've gotten a lot of feedback on providing additional visibility options for forwarded ports beyond public and private. Today we're launching a third option: org visible ports, which are accessible to any user in the organization the codespace has been created in. This is great for securely collaborating with your teammates on new and exciting features in your codespaces.

# Make port 80 visible to all users in an org
gh codespace ports visibility 80:org -c monalisa-monalisa-octocat-1337h4x0r

Continuing with security improvements, we have also heard from developers having difficulty launching codespaces from devcontainers stored in private container registries. To make this easier, we are offering streamlined access to containers stored in the GitHub Container Registry; you no longer have to provide a Personal Access Token (PAT).

Speaking of devcontainers, we know that there's a wide gap between using a predefined devcontainer and building a custom devcontainer. To help make that transition a little easier, we're launching the ability to extend devcontainers with features, which include shells, package managers, programming languages, and other common tools. For example, adding Terraform to a supported base image is as easy as adding the following to your devcontainer.json.

"features": {
  "terraform": "latest"

If you have any feedback about these features, or Codespaces in general, we'd love to hear from you!

Learn more about all our newly released features:

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Organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud now have more granular control over the repository access permissions they can grant to users, with custom repository roles – now available in Beta.

A custom repository role is created by an organization owner, and is available across all repositories in that organization. Each role can be given a custom name, and a description. It can be configured from a set of over 40 fine grained permissions. Once created, repository admins can assign a custom role to any user, team or outside collaborator in their repository.

Custom repository roles can be created, viewed, edited and deleted via the new Repository roles tab in Organization settings.

Screenshot 2021-10-25 at 12 59 46 PM

Custom repository roles are also fully supported in the GitHub REST APIs. The Organizations API can be used to list all custom repository roles in an organization, and the existing APIs for granting repository access to individuals and teams have been extended to support custom repository roles.

To get started with custom repository roles, read the docs.

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We have graduated twenty-three of the twenty-five existing previews that were in our REST API.

Previously, REST API consumers needed to pass in a custom media-type via an HTTP accept header (example: Accept: application/vnd.github.ant-man-preview+json) with requests to get additional response fields or to be able to access specific endpoints.

The following are REST APIs that still require the accept header:

  • content_references (corsair preview) application/vnd.github.corsair-preview+json

  • code_of_conduct (scarlet-witch preview) application/vnd.github.scarlet-witch-preview+json

The header is no longer needed for the other twenty-three REST API previews that have been graduated.

For the remaining two previews the plan is to sunset the previews later this year. We are actively reaching out to any consumers of the REST APIs of those previews.

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You can now set whether a repository allows forking when creating or updating it using either the REST or GraphQL API.

Previously, APIs for creating and updating repositories didn't consider the fields allow_forking (REST) or forkingAllowed (GraphQL). Now, this field can be set before invoking the API to configure whether a repository allows forking.

For reference, see documentation for the REST API and GraphQL API.

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The Codes of Conduct API preview, which was accessible with the scarlet-witch-preview header, is being deprecated.

On December 6th, 2021, the fields behind this API preview will no longer be accessible. We recommend using the Get community profile metrics endpoint to retrieve information about a repository's code of conduct.

Email notifications will be sent to active users of the API preview throughout the deprecation period.

If you have any questions, please contact GitHub Support.

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GitHub will stop supporting API Authentication via Query Parameters with Actions on October 6th 2021 at 14:00 UTC. If you are passing credentials via query or path parameters, GitHub will respond with client errors. Please refer to this blog post for details on authenticating API requests to GitHub using the Authorization header.


  • October 6 2021 at 14:00 UTC
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The new GraphQL mutation createCommitOnBranch makes it easier to add, update, and delete files in a branch of a repository.

This new API offers a simpler way to commit changes compared to the existing Git database REST APIs. With the new createCommitOnBranch mutation, you do not need to manually create blobs and trees before creating the commit. This allows you to add, update, or delete multiple files in a single API call.

Commits authored using the new API are automatically GPG signed and are marked as verified in the GitHub UI. GitHub Apps can use the mutation to author commits directly or on behalf of users.

See the GraphQL API reference for more information on using createCommitOnBranch. You can also try it in the GraphQL API Explorer! If you need a refresher on how to use the GraphQL API, see our guide.

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As previously announced, on September 8th 2021 at 14:00 UTC, GitHub will stop supporting API Authentication via Query Parameters.

If you are passing credentials via query or path parameters, GitHub will respond with client errors. Please refer to this blog post for details on authenticating API requests to GitHub using the Authorization header.


  • September 8 2021 at 14:00 UTC

Please check the latest Enterprise release notes to learn in which version API Authentication via Query Parameters will be removed.

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As previously announced, on August 11 2021 at 14:00 UTC, GitHub will be removing the OAuth Application API to avoid unintentional logging of in-transit access tokens.

Please refer to this blog post on migrating to the replacement endpoints.


  • August 11 2021 at 14:00 UTC

Please check the latest Enterprise release notes to learn in which version the OAuth Application API will be removed.

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As previously communicated, on August 11, 2021 at 14:00 UTC for 48 hours, GitHub will be conducting the third and final scheduled brownout for API Authentication via Query Parameters.

If you are passing credentials via query or path parameters, GitHub will intermittently respond with client errors. Please refer to this blog post for details on authenticating API requests to GitHub using the Authorization header.


  • August 11, 2021: For 48 hours starting at 14:00 UTC


  • September 8 2021 at 14:00 UTC

Please check the latest Enterprise release notes to learn in which version API Authentication via Query Parameters will be removed.

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API requests made by a GitHub App on behalf of a user that has authorized the app are known as user-to-server requests.

The resources that can be accessed by these requests are constrained to the set of private resources that both the App and the authorizing user can access.

GitHub is now extending this access model, allowing user-to-server requests to also read public resources over the REST API. This includes, for example, the ability to list a public repository's issues and pull requests, and to access a public repository's comments and content.

Read more about authorizing GitHub Apps.

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You can now set an expiration date on your new and existing personal access tokens.

Setting an expiration date on personal access tokens is highly recommended as this helps keep your information secure. GitHub will send you an email when it's time to renew a token that's about to expire. Tokens that have expired can be regenerated, giving you a duplicate token with the same properties as the original.

When using a personal access token with the GitHub API, you'll see a new response header, GitHub-Authentication-Token-Expiration, indicating the token's expiration date. You can use this in scripts, for example to log a warning message as the expiration date approaches.

Learn more about personal access tokens and how to use them.

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As previously communicated, on June 9th, 2021 at 14:00 UTC we will be conducting the second scheduled brownout for API Authentication via Query Parameters and the OAuth Applications API. If you are passing credentials via query or path parameters, we will intermittently respond with client errors.

OAuth Application API

Please refer to this blog post on migrating to the replacement endpoints.


  • June 9, 2021: For 24 hours starting at 14:00 UTC


  • August 11 2021 at 14:00 UTC

Authentication via Query Parameters

Please refer to this blog post for authentication via headers.


  • June 9, 2021: For 24 hours starting at 14:00 UTC
  • August 11, 2021: For 48 hours starting at 14:00 UTC


  • September 8 2021 at 14:00 UTC

Please check the latest Enterprise release notes to learn in which version these functionalities will be removed.

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