We are deprecating real-time job status updates for GitHub Actions workflow notifications in Slack and Microsoft Teams on the 10th of March 2025. Users will continue to receive notifications when a workflow starts and completes, but live job progress updates will no longer be available. This change improves system efficiency while maintaining essential workflow visibility.
Many users use our Slack integration to know what’s new in their repo’s Discussion. However, for large repos, these notifications can get overwhelming. Today, we’re introducing the ability to subscribe to specific Discussion categories in Slack. By default, when users subscribe to a Discussion, they subscribe to all categories. With the new command, we’re introducing a way to add category filters:
/github subscribe <org_name>/<repo_name> discussions:{category:"<category1>","<category2>"}
Users can also unsubscribe a Slack channel from previously set category filters with a similar command:
/github unsubscribe <org_name>/<repo_name> discussions:{category:"<category1>"}
Note: By default, if no category filters were added, the app will subscribe to all categories in the Discussion. Similarly, if you remove all category filters, the app will return to its default state of being subscribed to all categories. To unsubscribe from Discussions entirely, users can continue to use the unsubscribe command on Discussions, as shown below:
/github unsubscribe <org_name>/<repo_name> discussions
We have made bunch of improvements to our GitHub app in Slack and Microsoft Teams.
1. Introduced comment capability within Pull request notification cards
We have now added support to add comments on your pull requests directly from the notification card in Slack.
2. Introduced threading for Pull request notifications
Notifications for any Pull request will be grouped under a parent card as replies. The parent card always shows the latest status of the PR along with other meta-data like title, description, reviewers, labels and checks. Threading gives context, improve collaboration and reduces noise in the channel.
3. Added support to turn on/off threading for Issues and Pull requests
If you do not want to use threading or need some flexibility, we are also rolling out an option to turn on/off threading for issues and pull requests.
For more information, please visit the GitHub app guidance for Slack
Microsoft Teams
1. Improved the create issue functionality
You can now create issues with just a click, right from the place where you interact with your team i.e. from your channels and personal app.
- The content of the chat is automatically added into the description along with the link to the MS Teams conversation.
- The last used repo in the channel will be automatically filled in. However, you can go ahead and change to the repo if needed.
- You can optionally fill in labels, assignees and milestones when you create an issue.
- Once the issue is created you will receive a confirmation card in the channel where you created the issue.
2. Enhanced the PR notification cards in Channel and Personal App
We made few UI improvements to the Pull request notifications experience in MS Teams.
- Introduced PR comment capability in GitHub personal app.
- Made few updates to the look and feel of the Pull request notification card.
For more information, please visit the GitHub app guidance for Microsoft Teams
We are excited to announce that GitHub app in Slack and Microsoft Teams now supports GitHub Actions workflow notifications.
You can now subscribe to your repository and get notified about GitHub Actions workflow run status from your channel or personal app.
/github subscribe owner/repo workflows
- You will get notified when a new workflow run is triggered. And you can track the live status of the jobs.
- You can track the approval notifications as a reply in the thread and you can approve the notifications directly from channel/personal app.
- Once the workflow is completed, you will get a update as a reply in the thread so that you can complete context and history about the workflow run.
- If something fails, you can choose to rerun the workflow in place and you can also enable debug logs if needed.
Workflow notification filters
Getting notified about each and every workflow run can be noisy. So, we are providing you capability to filter the notifications based on your requirement. You can filter your actions workflows notifications based on name, event, actor and/or branch. You can filter the notifications as below.
/github subscribe owner/repo workflows:{name:"your workflow name" event:"workflow event" branch:"branch name" actor:"actor name"}
- name: Name of your workflow
- event: The event on which the workflow is triggered. View the list of all available events.
- actor: The person who triggered or responsible for running of the workflow.
- branch: The branch on which the workflow is running. Only in the cases where pull_request event is included, the branch will be the target branch the pull request is created for.
Note: When you configure workflow notifications without passing any filters, it is configured by default for workflows triggered via pull requests targeting your default branch.
For more information, please visit the GitHub app guidance for Slack and Microsoft Teams.
We are excited to share with you that we have added a bunch of new capabilities to our GitHub app in Slack. You can now create, track and manage your GitHub issues directly from Slack.
Create issues as you collaborate
You can now create issues with just a click, right from the place where you interact with your team i.e. from your channel, personal app, group or direct chat.
- The content of the chat is automatically added into the description along with the link to the slack conversation.
- The last used repo in the channel will be automatically filled in. However, you can go ahead and change to the repo if needed.
- You can optionally fill in labels, assignees and milestones when you create an issue.
Once the issue is created you will receive a confirmation card in the channel/chat where you created the issue.
Issue card updates and threading
You can also update the issue directly from slack. When you see an issue notification card in Slack, you will now be able to comment, edit and close/reopen.
As part of this enhancement, we have also introduced threading functionality. Notifications for any issue are grouped under a parent card as replies. Threading gives context, reduces noise in the channel and helps improve collaboration.
For more information about these enhancements, please visit the GitHub app guidance for Slack.
As you are aware, we have recently introduced new issues close states. When closing an issue, you can opt to close as 'complete' (default option) or 'not-planned'.
We have now made changes to our GitHub app in Slack and Microsoft Teams to reflect the new issue close states.
For more information, see GitHub for Microsoft Teams or GitHub for Slack.
We have now improved the help and getting started experience in GitHub app for Microsoft Teams and Slack.
- From the moment you install or access the app for the first time, you are guided step by step until you have successfully used the app.
- Learning about the app functionalities is simplified with the new “help” experience.
For more information, see the full documentation for GitHub for Microsoft Teams or GitHub for Slack.
Are you using our GitHub app in Microsoft Teams or Slack? Do you find it difficult to track all the notifications you get in your channels?
If yes, here comes a feature that helps you focus on the notifications that are relevant to you!
When you subscribe to a repository in Microsoft Teams or Slack, you will now see yourself mentioned in the notifications where you are referred and needs your attention.
As you receive notifications for Issues, PRs, Discussions and Deployments, here are the cases when you will be mentioned.
- Assignee in an Issue
- Reviewer for a PR
- Mentioned in a PR/Issue description/comment/discussion
- Reviewer for a Deployment
- Scheduled reminders for PR review requests
See GitHub for Microsoft Teams or GitHub for Slack for more information about this feature.
Discussions are now supported in the GitHub app for Microsoft Teams and Slack.
- You can now subscribe to the
feature from a channel in Microsoft Teams or Slack, or a personal app in Microsoft Teams. - After subscribing, you will be notified when a discussion is created or answered.
URL previews
- When you post a link to a discussion in Microsoft Teams or Slack, a preview of the discussion will now be displayed.
For more information, see the full documentation for GitHub for Microsoft Teams or GitHub for Slack.
Deployment review notifications for your GitHub Actions environments can now be tracked end-to-end using the GitHub app for Microsoft Teams or Slack. You will be notified when a review is pending on your environment, when an approval is completed and you can see the real time status of your deployment.
The following capabilities have been added to our Microsoft Teams and Slack applications:
- Deployment review pending notifications for your environments being deployed through GitHub Actions workflow.
- Deployment review completed notifications for your environments being deployed through GitHub Actions workflow.
- Deployment status notifications for your environments.
For more information visit the GitHub app guidance for Microsoft Teams or for Slack
The GitHub app is built on Slack’s workspace apps which is now deprecated. The legacy GitHub app will stop working on July 15, 2021. We have built a new version of our GitHub+Slack integration. You can just upgrade the app and get back to your work.
You can learn more about this upgrade here.
Along with this upgrade, we have also made few enhancements to the app.
Enhanced security for sign in experience
As part of this upgrade, we have also updated the sign in flow to have a multistep process with verification code. This is necessary to make sign in to GitHub from Slack more secure.
Branch filters for commit notifications
Commit notifications now support filtering based on branches. You can choose to filter on a specific branch, or a pattern of branches or all branches. You can find more details here.
Removed deploy support
Today, the functionality provided by deploy command is very limited and doesn’t address all the scenarios. We are removing this command support as part of this version. We want to relook at the scenarios and build a more holistic experience that customers need.