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Code scanning default setup is now available for all CodeQL supported languages, excluding Swift. This includes supporting JavaScript/TypeScript, Ruby, Python, Go, Java/Kotlin, C/C++, and C# at the repository level. We will extend support to include Swift soon. We are also working to extend all CodeQL language support to the organization level.

Default setup detects the languages in the repository and automatically analyzes JavaScript/TypeScript, Ruby, Python, and Go. With this enhancement, you can customize the configuration to also analyze Java/Kotlin, C/C++, and C#. The configuration can be viewed and edited at any time, during or after set up.

You can also use the REST API to include CodeQL supported languages in the default setup configuration.

What if the analysis for a language fails in default setup?

It is possible for the CodeQL analysis for a particular language to fail, such as when the code can't be compiled. If the CodeQL analysis for a language fails in default setup, you will see an error message on the repository's settings page, in the code security and analysis section. To resolve the situation you can:

  1. Deselect the language from the configuration and continue to use default setup for the successful languages.
  1. Convert to advanced setup. The advanced setup uses a yml file and allows you to provide the build information required for the CodeQL analysis to succeed.
  1. Debug and fix the cause of the language failure. The Actions log will provide the failure reason so you can resolve this for a successful analysis.

Why aren't some languages automatically included in the default setup configuration ?

Java (including Kotlin), C/C++, and C# are not automatically included in the default setup configuration because they often require more advanced configuration. Code written in these languages needs to be compiled in order for CodeQL analysis to proceed. CodeQL will attempt to build your code automatically but may fail if your code requires bespoke build steps.

Java (including Kotlin), C/C++, and C# are not included in bulk code scanning setup from the organization level. We are working to extend all CodeQL language support to the organization level soon.

For more information on code scanning default setup, see Configuring code scanning automatically.

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Code scanning default setup now automatically updates when the languages in a repository change.

If a repository that uses default setup changes to include the languages JavaScript/TypeScript, Ruby, Python, or Go, the configuration will automatically update to include these languages. If the new configuration fails, we’ll resume the previous configuration automatically so that the repository does not lose coverage. The configuration will also automatically update if a repository removes a language.

You can always view the repository’s default setup configuration from the Code security and analysis settings page. Additionally, you can use the tool status page to view useful information about your setup and debug any failed languages.

Default set up makes it easy to get started with code scanning. The supported languages are currently JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Ruby and Go and the list is constantly evolving. For more information on code scanning default setup, see Configuring code scanning automatically.

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Today we are announcing the general availability of code scanning default setup enablement at the organization level.

Code scanning enable all default setup button on the organization's 'Settings' page

You can use code scanning default setup to enable CodeQL analysis for pull requests and pushes on eligible repositories without committing any workflow files. Currently, this feature is only available for repositories that use GitHub Actions and it supports analysis of JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Ruby and Go. We plan to add support for additional languages soon.

This feature is also available as a public beta in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.9 and will be generally available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.10.

Learn more about configuring code scanning at scale using CodeQL and the "Enable or disable a security feature for an organization" REST API
Learn more about GitHub Advanced Security

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The latest release of CodeQL for VS Code includes new functionality for creating lists of target repositories for multi-repository variant analysis with GitHub code search.

Multi-repository variant analysis (MRVA) allows security researchers to run CodeQL analyses against large numbers of repos straight from the CodeQL extension for VS Code, making it possible to identify new types of security vulnerabilities in the most popular open-source codebases. Curated lists of up to 1,000 widely-used public GitHub repositories are included with MRVA to help you get started quickly – you can even trigger an MRVA run against up to 1,000 repositories in a single GitHub organization.

However, if you’d prefer to target different repositories, you can also create your own custom lists. To help make it easier to identify the most relevant repositories to include in your custom lists we have just released a new integration with the GitHub search API in the CodeQL extension. With this new feature, you can restrict the repositories appearing in your custom lists by the contents of source files, file paths, file location, or any other supported search qualifier.

For more information about how to use GitHub code search with MRVA, see Using GitHub code search to add repositories to a custom list in the CodeQL for VS Code documentation.

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Suppressed notifications for Dependabot alerts at enablement time

At first time enablement, Dependabot will no longer send web or email notifications that summarize when a repository is populated with Dependabot alerts. Now, you'll have visibility across all your Dependabot alerts without immediately notifying developers who watch security alerts across your repository or organization. This change applies across all levels: repository, organization, and enterprise.

For any developers both watching a repository and opted in to receive Dependabot alert notifications, future notifications will still be sent for incoming alerts after enablement, as well as for daily and weekly digests.

About this change

We’ve been working to steadily improve our security alert notifications. As part of our notification strategy, notifications will no longer be sent at first time enablement for Dependabot alerts. Notifications are muted across all levels of enablement: repository, organization, and enterprise.

This change does not affect email digests or notifications on newly created alerts after enablement.

Available alert notifications and indicators

Today, when a dependency-based vulnerability is detected, Dependabot lets you know based on your user notifications settings and repository watching settings. You can opt to receive:

  • Web-based notifications on alerts in your GitHub inbox
  • Email-based notifications on alerts
  • Email digests (weekly or daily roll-ups of alerts).

From the UI, you can also use the "Security" alert count in your repository navigation as an indicator for when your repository has alerts. This Security tab includes the count for all active Dependabot alerts, code scanning alerts, secret scanning alerts, and any security advisories that you have permissions to view.

Learn more about Dependabot alerts and configuring notifications for alerts.

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Sometimes, due to misconfiguration or incompatible versions, Dependabot jobs for a repository will fail and Dependabot will continue to run and continue to fail. Now, after 30 failed runs, Dependabot will immediately fail subsequent scheduled jobs until you trigger a check for updates from the dependency graph or by updating a manifest file. Dependabot security update jobs will still trigger as usual.

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You can now easily find all alerts associated with a specific language with the new language filter on the code scanning alerts page.

To show all the code scanning alerts for a language, type 'language:javascript' in the Filter alerts text box.

Language filter

You can also use a file path filter to see all the alerts located in specific files or directories to sort and manage them efficiently by focusing on a specific part of the code related to the project.
This can be useful to manage lots of alerts on big repositories (monorepos) to review all alerts specific to the part of the code you are responsible for faster.

To apply the file path filter, type 'path:' and the path to the file or directory in the Filter alerts text box.

Path filter

This has shipped to and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.10.

Learn more about filtering code scanning alerts.

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Starting today, you will now receive Dependabot alerts for vulnerabilities associated with your Swift dependencies.

The GitHub Advisory Database now includes curated Swift advisories. This brings the Advisory Database to twelve supported ecosystems, including: Composer (PHP), Erlang, GitHub Actions, Go, Maven, npm, NuGet, pip, Pub, RubyGems and Rust.

The dependency graph now supports detecting Package.resolved files. Swift dependencies from these files will be displayed within the dependency graph section in the Insights tab.

Dependabot security updates support will be added at a later date.

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Building upon the success of our organization-level security coverage and risk views, today we're introducing enterprise-level views to offer enhanced visibility into your enterprise's security coverage and risk analysis. The refreshed design provides you with an improved user experience with insights and dynamic filtering to maximize your productivity.

Coverage view

The coverage view allows you to gain visibility into the enablement status of security features across all repositories within your enterprise. Within the coverage view, you can:

  • Monitor the counts and percentages of repositories with GitHub security features enabled or disabled, which update when you apply filters.
  • Track enablement for additional security features, including secret scanning push protection, Dependabot security updates, and code scanning pull request alerts.

Enterprise-level security coverage

Risk view

Complementing the coverage view, the new risk view provides a comprehensive overview of all alerts across your enterprise. In the risk view, you can:

  • View the counts and percentages of repositories with security vulnerabilities, which also update when you apply filters.
  • Access open alerts categorized by severity for both Dependabot and code scanning.

Enterprise-level security risk

Both views are now available as a public beta. In the next few weeks, we will deprecate the enterprise-level overview page in favor of these two new views.

Learn more about the new risk and coverage views and send us your feedback

Learn more about GitHub Advanced Security

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Code scanning now has the option to enable default setup for a subset of languages in a repository. This lets you customize the configuration to suit your repository's needs, for example deselecting a language which is failing the analysis.

Default set up makes it easy to get started with code scanning. The supported languages are currently JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Ruby and Go and the list is constantly evolving.

When you choose default setup, we automatically tailor a code scanning configuration for the repository. By default we will enable the best CodeQL configuration for all languages in your repository. However, if there is a language that you'd prefer to disable in code scanning, you can now customize the languages in your default setup configuration.

Use the 'edit configuration' page or REST API to edit the default setup configuration for a repository. You can customize the languages and query suites used in the analysis. The configuration can be viewed and edited at any time, during or after set up.

  "state": "configured",
  "languages": ["javascript-typescript", "ruby"],
  "query_suite": "default", 
  "updated_at": "2023-02-24T20:00:42Z"

For more information on code scanning default setup, see Configuring code scanning automatically.

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If you manage your node.js dependencies with the pnpm package manager, you can now use Dependabot to keep those dependencies updated with automatic pull requests. You can easily configure this feature by adding or updating your dependabot.yml file in your repository. At this time, Dependabot will not open security alerts against pnpm dependencies.

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All eligible GitHub Enterprise accounts can now try GitHub Advanced Security for free for 14 days. GitHub Advanced Security provides integrated security with unparalleled access to curated security intelligence. This unlocks your ability to keep your code, supply chain, and secrets secure before pushing the code to production. During the trial, you can try features such as:

  • Code scanning to help find and remediate security issues in your code
  • Secret scanning to prevent and detect secret exposures across your organization
  • Dependency review to catch vulnerable dependencies before introducing them to your environment

Explore our documentation to learn more about GitHub Advanced Security features and how to deploy them in your organization.
GitHub Advanced Security on Enterprise Cloud

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Today, we're extending CodeQL code scanning support to Swift! Developers working on Swift libraries and apps on Apple platforms can now benefit from our best-in-class code security analysis. We currently identify issues such as path injection, unsafe web view fetches, numerous cryptographic misuses and other types of unsafe evaluation or processing of unsanitized user-controlled data. During this beta, we’ll gradually increase our coverage of distinct weaknesses.

Swift joins our existing supported languages (C/C++, Java/Kotlin, JS/TS, Python, Ruby, C#, and Go), which in sum run nearly 400 checks on your code, all while keeping false positive rates low and precision high.

Set up code scanning on your Swift repositories today and receive actionable security alerts right on your pull requests. Read more about our supported Swift versions and platforms here.

Swift support is available starting with CodeQL version 2.13.3. users are automatically updated, while GitHub Enterprise Server users can update using these guidelines. Security researchers can set up the CodeQL CLI and VS Code extension by following these instructions.

This is just the start for Swift support in GitHub Advanced Security, keep an eye on the main GitHub blog for further announcements. If you have any feedback or questions about the Swift beta, consider joining our community in the #codeql-swift-beta channel in the GitHub Security Lab Slack. Thanks to all Swift community members who have participated in the private beta.

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GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of tokens. By identifying and flagging these tokens, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.

We have partnered with Canadian Digital Service (CDS) to scan for their tokens and help secure our mutual users on public repositories. Canadian Digital Service tokens allow users to send email and text messages using the Government of Canada’s Notify service. GitHub will forward access tokens found in public repositories to CDS, which will then revoke the token and contact the impacted users to help them generate new tokens. You can read more information about CDS's tokens here.

All users can scan for and block CDS tokens from entering their public repositories for free with push protection. GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for and block CDS tokens in their private repositories.

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GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.

We have partnered with LogicMonitor to scan for their tokens and help secure our mutual users on public repositories. LogicMonitor tokens allow users to authenticate requests to LogicMonitor's REST API. GitHub will forward access tokens found in public repositories to LogicMonitor, which will then inform their portal contacts for remediation. You can read more information about LogicMonitor's tokens here.

All users can scan for and block LogicMonitor tokens from entering their public repositories for free with push protection. GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for and block LogicMonitor tokens in their private repositories.

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GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.

We have partnered with Highnote to scan for their tokens and help secure our mutual users on public repositories. Highnote tokens allow users to authenticate with Highnote’s GraphQL API. GitHub will forward access tokens found in public repositories to Highnote, which will then revoke the token and work with impacted users to generate a new token. You can read more information about Highnote’s tokens here.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for Highnote tokens and block them from entering their private repositories. All users can enable push protection for public repositories, for free.

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GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.

We have partnered with Aiven to scan for their tokens and help secure our mutual users on public repositories. Aiven tokens allow users to interact with Aiven hosted services and the Aiven API. GitHub will forward access tokens found in public repositories to Aiven, and the Aiven Customer Success Team will contact project owners via the normal service channel and work with them to rotate and revoke the affected credentials. Aiven will not revoke credentials without prior communication and acknowledgement from the project owner. You can read more information about Aiven’s tokens here.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for Aiven tokens and block them from entering their private repositories. All users can enable push protection for public repositories, for free.

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Secret scanning's push protection feature is now generally available for all free public repositories on

You can enable push protection for any public repository on from your repository's "Code security and analysis" settings in the UI or REST API. If you're an organization or enterprise owner, you can also also bulk-enable secret scanning.

For your repositories that are not a part of an organization, you can bulk-enable secret scanning and push protection in your personal "Code security and analysis" settings.

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Secret scanning's push protection feature is now generally available for GitHub Advanced Security customers.

Customers can enable push protection for any private repository that has GitHub Advanced Security. Push protection can also be enabled for any public repository, for free. To bulk enable push protection, customers can visit their organization and enterprise's "Code security and analysis" settings in the UI or REST APIs.

Push protection is also available for any custom pattern defined at the repository, organization, and enterprise level. See step 11 under "Defining a custom pattern for a repository" for more details in our documentation.

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If you are an organization or enterprise owner, you will now receive a secret scanning summary email when the historical scan completes. The email notification will tell you how many, if any, secrets were detected across all repositories within your organization or enterprise. You'll also receive a link to your security overview page for each secret, where you can view details for each detected secret.

Previously, secret scanning would send one email per repository where secrets were detected, provided that you were watching the repository and had email notifications enabled in your user settings enabled. While repository administrators will still receive an email notification per repository, organization and enterprise owners will now receive only a single notification upon the historical scan's completion.

To receive notifications:

  • For the first historical scan after you enable secret scanning, you must have email notifications enabled in your user settings. You do not need to watch any repositories to receive the secret scanning summary email.
  • For future historical scans, such as for newly added patterns, you will receive an email notification for each repository where a secret was found. You must be watching the repository where the secret was detected and have email notifications enabled in your user settings.

summary email after backfill scan

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