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Support for Actions in internal repositories is now generally available for GitHub organizations owned by an enterprise account.

You can innersource automation by sharing Actions in internal repositories, without publishing them publicly.
And then manage the repository settings or use our API support to allow access to workflows in other repositories:

  • In the same organization or
  • In any other organization in the enterprise

Learn more about Sharing Actions and workflows with your enterprise.

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If your GitHub organization is owned by an enterprise account, you can now innersource automation by sharing Actions only within your enterprise without publishing them publicly.
You can store the Action in an internal repository, and then configure the repository settings to allow access to workflows in other repositories:

  • In the same organization or
  • In any other organization in the enterprise

These Actions in internal repositories can only be used by workflows defined in other private and internal repositories but cannot be used in workflows defined within any public repositories.

Learn more about Sharing Actions and workflows with your enterprise.

See more