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All organization owners now have access to a Compliance tab within their organization’s settings page. This page has been available for all organizations on the GitHub Enterprise plan, but is now extended to organizations on the Free and Team plans as well.

To access the latest compliance and certification reports for your organization, navigate to<yourorganization>/settings/compliance. The reports you can expect to see for an organization on a Free or Team plan will be SOC 3, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification, and CSA CAIQ.

To learn more, read about accessing compliance reports for your organization.


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GitHub Copilot for Business is now available to Free, Team, and GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers. This update allows more organizations to give their developers access to GitHub Copilot’s powerful AI while providing administrators with license management and centralized policy controls on top of industry-leading privacy.

With this announcement, we’re also excited to share that we’ve made enhancements to:
– security vulnerability filtering
– improved Codex model
– VPN proxy support via self-signed certs

These improvement mean that GitHub Copilot’s code suggestions are more secure, better utilized, and work in more environments.

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