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GitHub Desktop now allows you to open your repositories with any editor or shell, even if it’s not on the list of supported integrations. Supercharge your integrations with advanced configurations including specifying command line arguments.

Demonstrating adding a custom editor via the new integrations setting

Accessibility Improvements

  • Fixed: The “Open a Pull Request” and “About” dialog’s headings are announced via NVDA – #19107
  • Fixed: The branch selection popover in the “Open a Pull Request” dialog does not close on filter clearing – #19106
  • Fixed: The contrast ratio of icon in the diff file warnings is at least 3:1 – #19097
  • Fixed: The “Push Local Changes” confirmation dialog uses “alertdialog” role such that screen readers announce entire dialog contents – #19098
  • Fixed: Emoji’s provide descriptions for screen readers – #19101
  • Fixed: Stop improper announcement of \”dialog\” role on the autocompletion suggestions popover – #19114
  • Improved: Screen readers announces when users expand context in a diff – #19128
  • Improved: The squash dialog provides visual input labels – #19100
  • Improved: The search inputs across the app provide visual labeling in the form of a search icon – #19103

Community Contributions

  • Added: The external editor Cursor is supported on macOS – #17462. Thanks @bjorntechCarl!
  • Added: The external editor JetBrains RustRover is supported – #18802. Thanks @Radd-Sma!

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GitHub Desktop 3.4 lets you reset back to a specific commit quickly with “Reset to Commit” and improves discoverability of key application controls.

Resetting to Commit

With Reset to Commit, it takes one click to set your local history back to your latest pushed commit, with all of the reverted changes landing back into your changes list. While similar to using the undo function, Reset to Commit allows for resetting more than one commit at a time. By adding a new way to modify your history, Reset to Commit fits right along side undoing, reverting, amending, squashing, reordering, and cherry-picking features.

GitHub and the Desktop team are committed to making GitHub Desktop a tool for all developers. With GitHub Desktop 3.4, links are underlined by default and checkmarks are used in the diff to indicate whether a line is selected to be committed. These changes are aimed to enhance discoverability, be keyboard-accessible, and be semantically marked up to enable interaction with assistive technologies.

For users who want to opt out of these changes, check out the new Accessibility settings pane to customize your experience.

Automatic updates will roll out progressively, or you can download the latest GitHub Desktop here.

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Repository rules allow you to easily add scalable protections for branches and tags on your repositories. This feature was recently made generally available, and GitHub Desktop 3.3 now adds support for repository rules in the form of preemptive warnings and errors if your work fails a rule configured by an administrator of your repository. These rules can fail when commits are pushed to GitHub, which may not be ideal if you queue up multiple commits before pushing. Advanced warning allows you to make changes before committing, saving you time and frustration.

Repository rules

Administrators can configure many different repository rules that apply to branches or tags. If a commit fails any of them, you won’t be able to push it to GitHub. This can be frustrating if you have multiple commits queued up, because the whole push will fail and you may have to perform a rebase to fix the failed commits. GitHub Desktop will now preemptively warn you if a commit you’re working on will fail a rule when you eventually try to push it. These warnings happen in several ways.

Branch creation

Specific branch names may be disallowed. You’ll now see an error if you try to create a branch that isn’t allowed.

GitHub Desktop’s “Create a branch” dialog showing a disallowed branch name error

Metadata rules

GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can utilize metadata rules that require certain fields to conform to specific values. One example being commit messages, which can be required to match a specific string or a regex pattern. These metadata rules are fully supported in GitHub Desktop 3.3.

GitHub Desktop’s commit message area, showing an error for a commit message rule failure

Additional rules

Certain rules have remediations that aren’t supported by GitHub Desktop, such as requiring status checks to pass. These rules are bundled into a catch-all error message above the commit button.

GitHub Desktop’s commit message area, showing a generic error for a failed repository rule


Administrators can allow certain apps, roles, or teams to bypass rulesets. If you can bypass rules, the guidance shown is in the form of warnings instead errors, to let you know to be extra careful.

GitHub Desktop’s commit message area, showing bypass warnings for a commit message rule and another rule

Shout out to our open source contributors

GitHub Desktop is proud to be an open source project and represents both GitHub and the open source community. Thanks to @le0pard for creating the RE2JS library being used for repository rules regex matching.

Automatic updates will roll out progressively, or you can download the latest GitHub Desktop here.

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In 3.2.8, GitHub Desktop is shipping two great community contributions of highly requested features — “Check Out a Commit” and “Double Click to Open in Your External Editor”.
Alongside that, we have a nice addition to the clone dialog where you can quickly see if a repository has been archived, as well as many accessibility enhancements.

Check Out a Commit

A big thanks to @kitswas for his work in adding the ability to check out a commit from the history tab, a much asked for feature.

Shows check out a tag commit with new context menu option

Double Click to Open in Your External Editor

We would also like to give a shout out to @digitalmaster with another highly requested feature add of being able to double click on a file to open it in your external editor, whether that is in the history or changes view.

Shows double clicking in the history view to open a file

Quickly Identify Archived Repositories when Cloning

Another great add with this release is being able to tell at a glance which repositories in your cloning dialog are archived and likely not suitable for cloning.

Clone dialog with one repo having the Archive tag added


GitHub Desktop is actively working to improve accessibility in support of GitHub’s mission to be a home for all developers.

In so, we have the:
– addition of aria-label and aria-expanded attributes to the diff options button – #17062
– number of pull requests found after refreshing the list screen reader announced – #17031
– ability to open the context menu for the History view items via keyboard shortcuts – #17035
– ability to navigate the “Clone a Repository” dialog list by keyboard – #16977
– checkboxes in dialogs receiving initial keyboard focus in order not to skip content – #17014
– progress state of the pull, push, fetch button announced by screen readers – #16985
– inline errors being consistently announced by screen readers – #16850
– group title and position correctly announced by screen readers in repository and branch lists – #16968
– addition of an aria-label attribute to the “pull, push, fetch” dropdown button for screen reader users – #16839
– aria role of alert applied to dialog error banners so they are announced by screen readers – #16809
– file statuses in the history view improved to be keyboard and screen reader accessible – #17192
– ability to open the file list context menu via the keyboard – #17143
– announcing of dialog titles and descriptions on macOS Ventura – #17148
– announcing of the “Overwrite Stash”, “Discard Stash”, “Delete Tag”, and “Delete Branch” confirmation dialogs as alert dialogs – #17197, #17166, #17210
– improvements of contrast in text to links – #17092
– tab panels in the branch dropdown announced by screen readers – #17172
– stash restore button description associated to the button via an aria-describedby#17204
– warnings in the rename branch dialog placed before the input for better discoverability – #17164
– errors and warnings in the “Create a New Repository” dialog are screen reader announced – #16993

Other Great Fixes

  • The remote for partial clone/fetch is recognized. Thanks @mkafrin! – #16284
  • Association of repositories using nonstandard usernames is fixed – #17024
  • The “Preferences” are renamed to “Settings” on macOS to follow platform convention – #16907
  • The addition of the Zed Preview as an external editor option – #17097. Thanks @filiptronicek
  • The addition of the Pulsar code editor as an external editor option on Windows – #17120. Thanks @confused-Techie
  • Fixing the detection of VSCodium Insider for Windows – #17078. Thanks @voidei
  • The \”Restore\” button in stashed changes is not disabled when uncommitted changes are present. – #12994. Thanks @samuelko123

Automatic updates will roll out progressively, or you can download the latest GitHub Desktop here.

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GitHub Desktop 3.2.3 makes force pushing and fetching through the newly added fetch/pull dropdown menu items as well as adding pull request comment notifications. Since 3.2.1, GitHub Desktop has also released more than 30 accessibility improvements.

Force-pushing and Fetching

In GitHub Desktop 3.1.5, we added the ability to force-push and fetch to the Repository menu item when applicable. Now, when those menu items would be available, the pull/push/fetch button becomes a dropdown so users can easily force push or fetch.

Gif that shows a user pressing fetch to put the repository in a diverged state. Then, shows the user opening the new dropdown and force pushing their changes to overwrite the changes in the remote.

Pull Request Comment Notifications

If you have been enjoying our Pull Request notifications on your repositories, you will be happy to hear we have expanded those notifications to include when someone has commented on your pull request as well so that you can keep up to date on the latest conversations happening on your pull request.


GitHub Desktop is actively working to improve accessibility in support of GitHub's mission to be a home for all developers.

GitHub Desktop 3.2.1

  • Misattributed warning is announced in 'Git' preferences/options by screen readers – #16239
  • The Preferences/Options dialog content is still visible when zoomed at 200% – #16317
  • Up/down arrow can be used to navigate autocomplete lists like emoji again – #16044
  • Focus history and changes list when accessed via keyboard shortcut or menu – #16360
  • On Windows, app level menu bar and menu items are announced by screen readers – #16315
  • Keyboard shortcuts for resizing app sidebar and file lists – #16332
  • Misattributed commit popover does not clip when app is zoomed – #16407
  • Accessibility improvements for the co-authors input – #16335
  • Commit completion status is announced by screen readers – #16371, #16340
  • Improve accessibility of dialogs for screen reader users – #16350
  • Accessibility improvements for autocompletion suggestions – #16324
  • Learn more links are descriptive for screen readers – #16274
  • Popover titles are announced by screen readers – #16270
  • Show offset focus ring for buttons, vertical tabs etc – #16288
  • Application main menu on Windows doesn't clip when zoom is set to 200% – #16290
  • Button and text box contrast bumps – #16287
  • Other email input in "Git" preferences/Options and misattributed popover email select have a screen readable label – #16240
  • Add/remove co-authors button is now keyboard accessible – #16200

GitHub Desktop 3.2.3

  • NVDA reads number of suggestions when an autocompletion list shows up – #16526
  • The undo commit confirmation modal message is screen reader announced – #16472
  • Clipping and overlapping of the changes list is fixed at 200% zoom – #16425
  • The commit message avatar is now a toggle tip making the commit author details keyboard accessible – #16272
  • The commit length hint is keyboard and screen reader accessible – #16449
  • The changes list header checkbox tooltip description is announced by screen readers – #16457
  • The changes list header checkbox tooltip is keyboard accessible – #16487
  • Announce a file's state of inclusion in the commit on the changes list – #16420
  • Display focus ring around focused control after dismissing a dialog – #16528
  • Identify the changes list and history commit list as the changes and history tab panels for screen readers – #16463
  • Windows title bar controls do not interrupt screen readers in browse mode – #16483
  • Make radio theme selection look like radio buttons. – #16525
  • Improve accessibility of GitHub Enterprise login flow – #16567"
  • Screen readers announce sign in errors – #16556"

Automatic updates will roll out progressively, or you can download the latest GitHub Desktop here.

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In GitHub Desktop 3.1, we introduced viewing the diff of changes across multiple commits. This allows you to be certain there are no unintended changes in the group of commits you are about to push. Taking that feature to the next level, GitHub Desktop 3.2 allows you to Preview your Pull Request – see a diff of all the changes being introduced by your feature branch into your repository's default branch.

Preview Pull Request Image showing debugger in a diff

Learn more about GitHub Desktop here.

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GitHub Desktop 3.1.5 improves support for force pushing and fetching through the newly added Repository menu items as well as supporting pull request notifications on forks. This release also comes with many great contributions (12 changelog entries! ) from our open source contributors.

Force-pushing and Fetching

Previously, a user could only force push after an action such as rebasing. Now, when users find their branch in any diverged state, they can opt to use the force push Repository menu item. For example, a user can force push when commits exist on the remote that they are sure they want to overwrite.

ALT GitHub Desktop repository in a diverged state with Repository menu open showing force push menu item

Similarly, a user may find themselves in a new local branch they are not ready to publish, yet they want to fetch to see if there are any new changes on their main branch they would want to merge in. Instead of having to switch branches, they can use the Repository menu item to fetch those changes.

Notifications for Forks

If you have been enjoying our Pull Request notifications on your repositories, you will be happy to hear that with 3.1.5 those same notifications are supported on forks.

Open Source Contributions

We love the help we get from the open source community, providing many fixes and improvements for everyone to enjoy.

Thank you @angusdev for contributing all these fixes:

  • Hide window instead of hiding the app on macOS
  • The repository change indicator is visible if repository list item is selected and in focus
  • Tooltips are positioned properly if mouse is not moved
  • Tooltips of long commit author emails wrap to multiple lines
  • Clone repository progress bar no longer hidden by repository list
  • Close repository list after creating or adding repositories

Thank you @tsvetilian-ty for adding support for JetBrains Toolbox and JetBrains Fleet editor for Windows.

Thank you @zipperer for adding support for emacs editor.

Thank you @patinthehat for adding support for JetBrains PhpStorm and WebStorm editors

Thank you @daniel-ciaglia for adding support for VSCodium as an external editor.

Thank you @Shivareddy-Aluri for adding the ability to copy tag names from the commit list.

Thank you @j-f1 for improving the the diff view by adding highlighting to Arduino's .ino files as C++ source.

Learn more about GitHub Desktop here.

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GitHub Desktop 3.1 improves submodule support and now supports multi-commit diffing.

Submodule support just got much better from GitHub Desktop by providing a more detailed “diff” when they have changes. You will now know whether submodules are just pointing at a different commit or if there are changes within them that you must commit. You can also open the submodule at the click of a button!

Screenshot of GitHub Desktop displaying a submodule diff

You can now also see all the changes across multiple commits by just selecting them. That way, you can be certain about the changes you’re about to push or merge onto another branch, and make sure no unintended changes are included in them.

Screenshot of GitHub Desktop displaying multi-commit diffs

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GitHub Desktop 3.0.6 brings a slew of community contributions! As an open source project, we are always so grateful to our contributors who make Desktop better for themselves and others. Additionally, we’ve improved the recognition of default branch changes.


  • Add Warp terminal integration for macOS. Thanks @lhvy!
  • Add PyCharm Community Edition support on macOS. Thanks @tsvetilian-ty!
  • Add context menu to the current branch and current repository toolbar. Thanks @uttiya10!


  • Older versions of Sublime Text and SlickEdit are also recognized as external editors. Thanks @vbwx!
  • Fix commit shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Enter). Thanks @tsvetilian-ty!
  • Show 'Email' label on the preferences form when user is not signed in. Thanks @andymckay!
  • Fix invalid URL state while the "Clone Repository" modal is open. Thanks @tsvetilian-ty!
  • Fix commit description with three lines overflowing when it shouldn't. Thanks @HeCorr!
  • 'Update from default branch` menu item allows quick merge of upstream. Thanks @uttiya10!
  • Unified diff line gutter context menu items for discard changes no longer enabled when whitespace is hidden.
  • 'Show Whitespace Changes' popover appears as expected on unified diff.
  • On pull or fetch, make sure the default branch is updated to match the repository settings.
  • Fix notifications on Windows 10 builds prior to the Creators Update.


  • Add ability to skip staggered release to ensure the latest version is downloaded.

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GitHub Desktop 3.0 is bringing a closer integration with GitHub pull request workflows.

  • Real-time desktop notifications:
    • Pull Request Reviews: You know right away when your PR is approved, you need to make changes, or someone provided you with a feedback.
    • Pull Request Check Run Failures: You know as soon as your checks fail so you can quickly get them resolved and your PR ready for review.
  • Improved interaction for your pull request's checks:
    • Improved UX for rerunning checks
    • Ability to rerun failed GitHub Action checks
    • Ability to rerun individual GitHub Actions checks

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