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~ cd github-changelog
~/github-changelog|main git log main
showing all changes successfully

A command palette beta is now available for all users across Quickly navigate to your organizations and repositories, and use modes to find and jump-to pull requests, issues, projects, files, and more. Execute commands to optimize your workflows, all from the keyboard.

Open the command palette using one of the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Windows and Linux: Ctl k or Ctl alt k
  • Mac: ⌘ k or ⌘ option k

To open directly to command mode:

  • Windows and Linux: Ctrl shift k or Ctl shift k
  • Mac: ⌘ shift k or ⌘ shift k

With the command palette open, use modes to find specific types of resources and execute commands:

  • > Enter command mode
  • # Search for issues, pull requests, discussions, and projects
  • ! Search for projects
  • @ Search for users, organizations, and repositories
  • / Search for files within a repository scope

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