Command palette beta

A command palette beta is now available for all users across Quickly navigate to your organizations and repositories, and use modes to find and jump-to pull requests, issues, projects, files, and more. Execute commands to optimize your workflows, all from the keyboard.

Open the command palette using one of the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Windows and Linux: Ctl k or Ctl alt k
  • Mac: ⌘ k or ⌘ option k

To open directly to command mode:

  • Windows and Linux: Ctrl shift k or Ctl shift k
  • Mac: ⌘ shift k or ⌘ shift k

With the command palette open, use modes to find specific types of resources and execute commands:

  • > Enter command mode
  • # Search for issues, pull requests, discussions, and projects
  • ! Search for projects
  • @ Search for users, organizations, and repositories
  • / Search for files within a repository scope

Documentation, Share feedback

Ruby is the 10th most popular language within the open source community. To help more open source maintainers and organizations find potential vulnerabilities in their code, we’ve added Ruby support (beta) to the CodeQL engine that powers GitHub code scanning.

Our CodeQL analysis identifies security issues in your code, along with the flow of data to the vulnerable location. To help secure services and tools created with Ruby, the CodeQL beta release spots many of the most common security issues:

We’ve been putting this beta through its paces by analyzing some of the world's largest Ruby codebases at GitHub and select customers. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and in many cases CodeQL identified real vulnerabilities, all while keeping the number of false-positives at a minimum.

CodeQL for Ruby is available by default in code scanning, the CodeQL CLI, and the CodeQL extension for VS Code starting today. It will also be included in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.4. Ruby joins the list of supported CodeQL languages, which also includes C/C++, C#, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, and Go.

We currently support all common Ruby versions, up to and including 3.02. Check out the documentation for more details on compatibility.

To start using the new Ruby analysis, simply update your existing workflow file by adding Ruby to the language matrix:

    name: Analyze
      fail-fast: false
        # add here
        language: ['ruby']

If you’re new to code scanning, set up a CodeQL analysis workflow from the Security tab in your repository.

Want to contribute or write your own CodeQL queries for Ruby? This guide will help you get started.

To give us feedback, join the Ruby beta discussion in the public CodeQL repository, which is also a good place to ask questions about anything CodeQL.

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GitHub Actions now supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) for secure deployments to cloud, which uses short-lived tokens that are automatically rotated for each deployment.
This enables:

  • Seamless authentication between Cloud Providers and GitHub without the need for storing any long-lived cloud secrets in GitHub
  • Cloud Admins can rely on the security mechanisms of their cloud provider to ensure that GitHub Actions workflows get the minimal access for cloud resources. There is no duplication of secret management in GitHub and the cloud.

How this works:

  1. Developers set up OIDC trust on their cloud roles to manage access between their deployment workflows and cloud resources.
  2. In each deployment, GitHub Actions workflow presents an autogenerated OIDC JWT token to the cloud provider
  3. Cloud provider validates the claims in the OIDC token against the cloud role definition and provides a cloud access token to connect and deploy to the Cloud only during the workflow run.


Learn more about Security hardening your GitHub Workflows using OpenID Connect.

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