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The recently enhanced GitHub Enterprise "consumed licenses" report and new "enterprise members" report are now generally available. These reports provide more insight into who has access to an enterprise, what level of access, and whether a license is consumed:

  • Consumed License Report: A breakdown of license usage for your GitHub Enterprise and any synced GitHub Enterprise Server instances;
  • Enterprise Members Report: An extensive list of licensed and non-licensed members associated with your Enterprise Cloud environment, including members synced from a GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

To learn more about these reports and how to access them, read our documents about viewing license usage for GitHub Enterprise and exporting membership information about your enterprise.

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We’ve made a series of improvements to the GitHub Connect license sync feature in addition to the "Sync now" button we recently added in GHES:

  1. Enterprise administrators can now access a refreshed Consumed License CSV that includes additional data, such as the saml_name_id and the GitHub Enterprise Cloud email address (for verified domains only) for each user;
  2. Enterprise administrators also have access to two new License REST API endpoints:
    a. consumed-licenses: returns the same Consumed License data found in the CSV download
    b. license-sync-status: returns information related to the license sync job status
  3. We improved the license sync matching algorithm for enterprises that use SAML SSO. We now attempt to match Server user accounts against SAML attributes in addition to matching against users' GitHub Enterprise Cloud email addresses. This improvement eliminates the need for enterprise administrators to require users to add their work-related email addresses to their GitHub Enterprise Cloud account.

Learn more about license sync and give us your feedback

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On Saturday November 13, 2021 from 7:00PM to 9:00PM PST, GitHub’s billing systems will undergo scheduled maintenance.

During this time period, certain payment functionalities will be unavailable including:

  • Adding a new payment method or updating existing payment methods
  • Signing up for a new paid GitHub account
  • Upgrading existing account to a new paid GitHub plan
  • Paying invoices
  • Making new Marketplace purchases
  • Adding new sponsorships or changing tiers of existing sponsorships

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our systems.

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