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Starting today, Dependabot will be able to auto-dismiss npm alerts that have limited impact (e.g. long-running tests) or are unlikely to be exploitable. With this ship, Dependabot will cut false positives and reduce alert fatigue substantially.

On-by-default for public repositories, and opt-in for private repositories, this feature will result in 15% of low impact npm alerts being auto-dismissed moving forward – so you can focus on the alerts that matter, without worrying about the ones that don’t.

What’s changing?

When the feature is enabled, Dependabot will auto-dismiss certain types of vulnerabilities that are found in npm dependencies used in development (npm devDependency alerts with scope:development). This feature will help you proactively filter out false positives on development-scoped (non-production or runtime) alerts without compromising on high risk devDependency alerts.

Dependabot alerts auto-dismissal list view

Frequently asked questions

Why is GitHub making this change?

At GitHub, we’ve been thinking deeply about how to responsibly address long-running issues around alert fatigue and false positives. Rather than over-indexing on one criterion like reachability or dependency scope, we believe that a responsibly-designed solution should be able to detect and reason on a rich set of complex, contextual alert metadata.

That’s why, moving forward, we’re releasing a series of ships powered by an underlying, all-new, flexible and powerful alert rules engine. Today’s ship, our first application, leverages GitHub-curated vulnerability patterns to help proactively filter out false positive alerts.

Why auto-dismissal, rather than purely suppressing these alerts?

Auto-dismissing ensures any ignored alerts are 1) able to be reintroduced if alert metadata changes, 2) caught by existing reporting systems and workflows, and 3) extensible as a whole to future rules-based actions, where Dependabot can decision on subsets of alerts and do things like reopen for patch, open a Dependabot pull request, or even auto-merge if very risky.

How does GitHub identify and detect low impact alerts?

Auto-dismissed alerts match GitHub-curated vulnerability patterns. These patterns take into account contextual information about how you’re using the dependency and the level of risk they may pose to your repository. To learn more, see our documentation on covered classes of vulnerabilities.

How will this activity be reported?

Auto-dismissal activity is supported across webhooks, REST, GraphQL, and the audit log for Dependabot alerts. In addition, you can review your closed alert list with the resolution:auto-dismissed filter.

How will this experience look and feel?

Alerts identified as false positives will be automatically dismissed without a notification or new pull request, and appear as special timeline event. As these alerts are closed, you’ll still be able to review any auto-dismissed alerts with the resolution:auto-dismissed filter.

How do I reopen an automatically dismissed alert?

Like any manually dismissed alert, you can reopen an auto-dismissed alert from the alert list view or details page. This specific alert won’t be auto-dismissed again.

What happens if alert metadata changes or advisory information is withdrawn?

Dependabot recognizes and immediately responds to any changes to metadata which void auto-dismissal logic. For example, if you change the dependency scope and the alert no longer meets the criteria to be auto-dismissed, the alert will automatically reopen.

How can I enable or disable the feature?

This feature is on-by-default for public repositories and opt-in for private repositories. Repository admins can opt in or out from your Dependabot alerts settings in the Code Security page.

Is this feature available for enterprise?

Yes! In addition to all free repositories, this feature will ship immediately to GHEC and to GHES in version 3.10.

What’s next?

Next, we’ll expose our underlying engine – which enables Dependabot to perform actions based on a rich set of contextual alert metadata – so you can write your own custom rules to better manage your alerts, too.

How do I learn more?

How do I provide feedback?

Let us know what you think by providing feedback — we’re listening!

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GitHub Enterprises and Organzations can now join a private beta to try our new expandable event payload view in their audit log.

Screen_Recording_2023-04-27_at_12_22_29_PM_AdobeExpress (2)

We have gotten a lot of feedback that the information available in the audit log U/I is not the same as the data available in the audit log's exports, API and streaming payloads. In response, GitHub is adding a new expandable view of an event's payload in the audit log U/I. This brings data consistency to all the ways of consuming audit logs.

Enterprise and Organization owners interested in participating in the private beta should reach out to your GitHub account manager or contact our sales team to have this feature enabled. Make sure to let us know what you think using our beta feedback community discussion post.

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GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can now join a public beta for streaming API request events as part of their enterprise audit log.

As part of this beta, REST API calls against enterprise's private and internal repositories can be streamed to one of GitHub's supported streaming endpoints.
image (4)

Note: hashed_token and token_id have been redacted for security reasons.

Many GitHub users leverage GitHub's APIs to extend and customize their GitHub experience. However, use of APIs can create unique security and operational challenges for Enterprises. With the introduction of targeted audit log streaming API requests, enterprise owners are now able to:

  • Better understand and analyze API usage targeting their private and internal repositories;
  • Identify and diagnose potentially misconfigured applications or integrations;
  • Identify the authentication tokens being used by specific applications or integrations;
  • Troubleshoot API contributing to API rate limiting;
  • Leverage API activity when performing forensic investigations; and
  • Develop API specific anomaly detection algorithms to identify potentially malicious API activity.

Enterprise owners interested in the public beta can follow the instructions in our docs for enabling audit log streaming of API requests. Once enabled, you should begin seeing API request events in your audit log stream. Feedback can be provided at our beta feedback community discussion post.

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GitHub organization owners can now opt-in to a public beta to display organization members' IP addresseses in audit logs events. When enabled, IP addresses will be displayed for all audit log events performed by organization members on organization assets other than public repositories, which will be treated differently due to privacy obligations.

The inclusion of IP addresses in audit logs helps software developers and administrators protect their systems and data from potential threats and improve their overall security posture by providing the source of an action or event within a system or network. This information is crucial for troubleshooting issues or investigating security incidents. IP addresses are often used in forensic investigations to trace the origin of cyberattacks, unauthorized access, or other malicious activities.

For additional information and instructions for enabling this feature, read about displaying IP addresses in the audit log for your organization.

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GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can now join a private beta which allows API request events to be streamed as part of their enterprise audit log.

In this private beta, REST API calls against enterprise private repositories can be streamed to one of GitHub's supported streaming endpoints. Further iterations on this feature are planned to expand the API events captured and make this data available via the audit log API.

Many GitHub users leverage GitHub's APIs to extend and customize their GitHub experience. However, use of APIs can create unique security and operational challenges for Enterprises.

With the introduction of targeted audit log streaming API requests, Enterprise owners are now able to:

  • Better understand and analyze API usage targeting their private repositories;
  • Identify and diagnose potentially misconfigured applications or integrations;
  • Troubleshoot API activity targeting private repositories that may be contributing to API rate limiting; and
  • Develop API specific anomaly detection algorithms to identify potentially malicious activity.

Enterprise owners interested in participating in the private beta should reach out to your GitHub account manager or contact our sales team to have this feature enabled for your enterprise. Once enabled, you should begin seeing API request events in your audit log stream. Feedback can be provided at our beta feedback community discussion post.

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In January 2022, GitHub announced audit log streaming to AWS is generally available. By streaming the audit log for your enterprise, enterprises benefit from:

  • Data exploration: Examine streamed events using your preferred tool for querying large quantities of data. The stream contains both audit and Git events across the entire enterprise account.
  • Data continuity: Pause the stream for up to seven days without losing any audit data.
  • Data retention: Keep your exported audit logs and Git events data as long as you need to.

To expand on this offering, enterprises streaming their audit log to AWS S3 now have the ability to use AWS CloudTrail Lake integration to automatically consolidate and ingest GitHub audit logs into AWS Cloud Trail Lake. AWS CloudTrail Lake is a managed security and audit data lake that allows organizations to aggregate, immutably store, and query events. By deploying this integration in your own AWS account, AWS CloudTrail Lake will capture and provide tools to analyze GitHub audit log events using SQL-based queries.

To learn more, read our documentation on integrating with AWS CloudTrail Lake.

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Organizations and enterprises using branch protections may see false-alert flags in their security log for protected_branch.policy_override and protected_branch.rejected_ref_update events between January 6 and January 11, 2023.
These events were improperly emitted due to a change in the underlying logic that checks if branch protection criteria have been met.

No action is required from impacted users with regards to these events. GitHub has a policy to not delete security log events, even ones generated in error. For this reason, we are adding flags to signal that these events are false-alerts.

an audit log entry with the flash message displayed above it

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GitHub's audit log allows organization and enterprise admins to quickly review the actions performed by members of their organization or enterprise. For Dependabot alerts, the audit log includes actions such as repository enablement, creation or reintroduction of alerts, dismissal of alerts, and resolving of alerts.

The audit log now supports the following improvements:

  • Dismissal comments, if provided with a Dependabot alert, are now displayed in the audit log
  • The audit log API for Dependabot alerts now supports several new fields: alert_number, ghsa_id, dismiss_reason, and dismiss_comment.
  • Additional minor improvements, including links back to the alert and correct timestamps added to events.

This release is available for organization and enterprise admins (including GHES 3.7 and later).

For more information, view documentation on Dependabot alerts in the GitHub audit log.

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GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can now participate in a private beta displaying SAML single sign-on (SSO) identities for relevant users in audit log events.

SAML SSO gives organization and enterprise owners a way to control and secure access to resources like repositories, issues, and pull requests. Organization owners can invite GitHub users to join an organization backed by SAML SSO, allowing users to become members of the organization while retaining their existing identity and contributions on GitHub.

With the addition of SAML SSO identities in the audit log, organization and enterprise owners can easily link audit log activity with the user's corporate identity, used to SSO into This not only provides increased visibility into the identity of the user, but also enables logs from multiple systems to quickly and easily be linked using a common SAML identity.

Enterprise owners interested in participating in the private beta should reach out to your GitHub account manager or contact our sales team to have this feature enabled for your enterprise. Once enabled, enterprise and organization owners can provide feedback at the logging SAML SSO authentication data for enterprise and org audit log events community discussion page.

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The enterprise audit log now records changes to GitHub Advanced Security, secret scanning, and push protection enablement.

The organization-level audit log now also records when a push protection custom message is enabled, disabled, or updated.

For more information:

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GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can now stream their audit log to a Datadog endpoint. Enterprise owners need to be able to use the right tools for their job, whether that be short-term investigation or longer-term threat analysis and prevention. With audit log streaming to Datadog, customers can be assured that:

  • no audit log event will be lost,
  • they may satisfy longer-term data retention goals, and
  • they can analyze GitHub's audit log data using Datadog products.

For GitHub Enterprise Server customers, this feature is planned to come to GHES 3.8.

For additional information, read our documentation about setting up streaming to Datadog.

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GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can now participate in a private beta enabling authentication token data to display for audit log events. In doing so, enterprise owners will be able to query their audit logs for activity associated with specific authentication tokens. With the introduction of this feature, enterprise owners will be better equipped to detect and trace activity associated with corrupt authentication tokens, which have the potential to provide threat actors access to sensitive private assets.

Enterprise owners interested in participating in the private beta should reach out to your GitHub account manager or contact our sales team to have this feature enabled for your enterprise. Once enabled, enterprise owners can find guidance and provide feedback at the displaying authentication token data in enterprise audit log events community discussion..

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The functionality for GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers to configure audit log streaming to AWS S3 with OpenID Connect (OIDC) is now generally available. Audit log streaming configured with OIDC eliminates storage of long-lived cloud secrets on GitHub by using short-lived tokens exchanged via REST/JSON message flows for authentication.

For additional information, please read about setting up audit log streaming to AWS S3 with OpenID Connect.

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GitHub's audit log allows admins to quickly review the actions performed by members of their Enterprise. It includes details such as who performed the action, what the action was, and when it was performed. GitHub's audit log provides users with the ability to export audit log activity for your enterprise as a JSON or CSV file download. Moving forward, customers can expect to see the following enhancements to their audit log exports:

  • Audit log exports will contain the same fields as the REST API and audit log streaming, bringing consistency across these three audit log consumption modalities.
  • actions events will be present in audit log exports.
  • For Enterprises who have enabled the feature to display IP addresses in their enterprise audit logs, IP addresses will be present in audit log exports.
  • Audit log exports will be delivered as a compressed file.
  • Audit log JSON exports will be formatted with each line of the JSON file contains a single event, rather than a single JSON document with an array containing all the events as array elements.

This feature will be gradually enabled for an increasing percentage of GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers with a goal of 100% enablement by October 28, 2022. Should you encounter a problem with your audit log exports, please reach out to GitHub Support for assistance.

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We've made some improvements to audit log search to make it easier to discover events. Since audit log events are found through key:value pairs, we now show you a list of possible options to choose from.
key-value pair dropdown menu available in audit log search

We've also linked to our documentation in the filter dropdown so that you can more easily discover all the possible options for audit log queries.

view advanced search syntax added to audit log filter

To learn more about how to query the audit log, check out our documentation, "About search for the enterprise audit log".

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