Stream audit log to AWS S3 with OpenID Connect (OIDC)

The functionality for GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers to configure audit log streaming to AWS S3 with OpenID Connect (OIDC) is now generally available. Audit log streaming configured with OIDC eliminates storage of long-lived cloud secrets on GitHub by using short-lived tokens exchanged via REST/JSON message flows for authentication.

For additional information, please read about setting up audit log streaming to AWS S3 with OpenID Connect.

Actions on GitHub Mobile

Actions are coming to GitHub Mobile! You can now view and manage your pull requests on the go.

Tapping on checks when viewing a pull request now leads to a vastly improved experience, including the ability to view a workflow-run, its jobs and even the logs of completed steps inside.

A run did not go as planned? No problem. GitHub Mobile now supports re-running single jobs, failed jobs as well as entire workflows directly from your mobile device. For checks that are already running, support for cancellation has been added as well.

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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As previously mentioned, starting today, all Sponsors profiles will have custom amounts enabled by default. This means if you have a GitHub Sponsors profile, people can sponsor you for a dollar amount they choose, rather than just the amounts you published. This will simplify setting up Sponsors profiles as well as make it easier for users to make sponsorships.

For maintainers who did not have custom amounts previously enabled, and therefore had no minimum, we set a minimum based on their lowest tier value. If you prefer to change your minimum custom amount, you can do so via the Sponsors dashboard. Learn more about managing sponsorship tiers.

Custom sponsorship amounts settings on the Sponsors dashboard page

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