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Previously, all attached (drag-and-dropped) images and videos on GitHub Issues, Pull Requests, Discussions, and wikis were available to view without authentication if you knew their direct URL. Now, future attachments associated with private repositories can only be viewed after logging in. This doesn’t apply retroactively to existing attachments, which are obfuscated by having a long, unguessable URL.

Email notifications sent from private repositories will no longer display images; each image is replaced by a link to view it on the web. Content inside a Git repository is not affected by this change and has always required authentication for private repositories.

Learn more about attaching files.

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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Earlier this year, GitHub added support for LaTeX style mathematical expressions and Mermaid diagrams in Markdown. However, until now, GitHub wikis were missing this support. You can now use these formatting features in GitHub wikis.

For more information about using mathematical expressions and Mermaid with GitHub, see creating diagrams and writing mathematical expressions in the GitHub documentation.

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For Wikis, we now automatically generate a table of contents based on the headings.

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