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showing all changes successfully

The repository file finder is a convenient way to jump to a specific file by typing part of its path. It can be accessed by pressing t or using the “Go to file” button.

The file finder hides files in directories like vendor/ and build/ by default. These exclusions can now by customized using linguist attributes in a .gitattributes file. For example:

vendor/** linguist-vendored=false
build/** linguist-generated=false

An image of the file finder locating files in a repository's build directory using fuzzy search

Learn more about the file finder
Learn more about .gitattributes

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We've added keyboard shortcuts for quotes and lists in Markdown files, issues, PRs and comments.

To add quotes, use cmd+shift+. on Mac or ctrl+shift+. on Windows/Linux.
To add an ordered list, use cmd+shift+7 on Mac or ctrl+shift+7 on Windows/Linux.
To add an unordered list, use cmd+shift+8 on Mac or ctrl+shift+8 on Windows/Linux.

Keyboard shortcuts

For a full list of all our keyboard shortcuts, see our docs.

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