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GitHub continually updates its detectors for secret scanning with new patterns and upgrades of existing patterns, ensuring your repositories have comprehensive detection for different secret types.

GitHub now automatically detects Base64-encoded secrets for the following token types:

  • GitHub personal access tokens
  • GitHub OAuth access tokens
  • GitHub user to server tokens
  • GitHub server to server tokens.

GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets such as tokens and private keys. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud. See the full list of supported secrets in the documentation.

Learn more about secret scanning or join the discussion on our dedicated GitHub community.

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GitHub continually updates the default pattern set for secret scanning with new patterns and upgrades of existing patterns, ensuring your repositories have comprehensive detection for different secret types.

The following new patterns were added over the last few months. Secret scanning automatically detects any secrets matching these patterns in your repositories. See the full list of supported secrets in the documentation.

Provider Token Partner User Push protection
Anthropic anthropic_admin_api_key
Asaas asaas_api_token
Asana asana_legacy_format_personal_access_token  ✓
Azure azure_openai_key
Azure microsoft_azure_common_annotated_security_key
Azure microsoft_azure_entra_id_token cfxre_server_key
Cockroach Labs ccdb_api_key
Coveo coveo_access_token
Databento databento_api_key
Datastax datastax_astracs_token
Google google_cloud_service_account_credentials
Google google_gcp_api_key_bound_service_account ✓  
Hubspot hubspot_private_apps_user_token
Hubspot hubspot_smtp_credential
Hugging Face hf_user_access_token
Iterative iterative_dvc_studio_access_token
Lichess lichess_personal_access_token
Lichess lichess_oauth_access_token
MongoDB mongodb_atlas_db_uri_with_credentials
Netflix netflix_netkey
OpenRouter openrouter_api_key
Oracle oracle_api_key
Polar polar_access_token
Polar polar_authorization_code
Polar polar_client_registration_token
Polar polar_client_secret
Polar polar_personal_access_token
Polar polar_refresh_token
Replicate replicate_api_token
Scalr scalr_api_token
Sentry sentry_org_auth_token
Sentry sentry_user_auth_token
Sentry sentry_user_app_auth_token
Sentry sentry_integration_token
Shopee shopee_open_platform_partner_key
Siemens siemens_api_token
Sindri sindri_api_key
Tailscale tailscale_api_key

The following existing patterns were upgraded to be included in push protection. When push protection is enabled, secret scanning automatically blocks any pushes that contain a secret matching these patterns.

Provider Token
Contentful contentful_personal_access_token
GitLab gitlab_access_token
Ionic ionic_refresh_token
Orbit orbit_api_token
PyPI pypi_api_token
Thunderstore thunderstore_io_api_token
Yandex yandex_cloud_iam_access_secret

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To enhance auditing and troubleshooting, we’ve introduced new webhook and audit log events to track the completion of certain secret backfill scans on repositories.

The events specify the type of backfill scan completed (e.g., Git backfill or issues backfill) and the secret types scanned, including custom patterns. Note that secrets detected through Copilot Secret Scanning are not included.

Backfill scans cover the entire repository and occur when secret scanning is enabled or patterns are updated. These events do not include information on incremental scans, which focus on new content pushed to a repository.

A repository must have a GitHub Advanced Security license to access these events.

Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning.

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You can now more easily filter secret scanning alerts, with new filter options and advanced filtering.

  • Enterprise and organization level list views now include a new menu with commonly used and suggested filter options, like bypassed secrets, publicly leaked secrets, and those with enterprise duplicates. The repository level list view now supports a new “advanced filtering” menu.
  • The experimental toggle has been removed from the alert list header UI, but you can still access it from the sidebar navigation menu and with the results:experimental filter.
  • Public leak and multi-repository indicators are fully supported across list views, including alert list views and the REST API. In the UI, in addition to menu options, you can access these filters with is:multi-repository and is:publicly-leaked. These indicators are also included in webhook and audit log event payloads for secret scanning alerts.

What are public leak and multi-repo labels?

To help you triage and remediate secret leaks more effectively, GitHub secret scanning now indicates if a secret detected in your repository has also leaked publicly with a public leak label on the alert. The alert also indicates if the secret was exposed in other repositories across your organization or enterprise with a multi-repository label.

These labels provide additional understanding into the distribution of an exposed secret, while also making it easier to assess an alert’s risk and urgency. For example, a secret which has a known associated exposure in a public location has a higher likelihood of exploitation. Detection of public leaks is only currently supported for provider-based patterns.

The multi-repository label makes it easier to de-duplicate alerts and is supported for all secret types, including custom patterns. You can only view and navigate to other enterprise repositories with duplicate alerts if you have appropriate permissions to view them.

Both indicators currently apply only for newly created alerts.

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Learn more about reviewing alert labels and how to secure your repositories with secret scanning. Let us know what you think by participating in our GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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As part of our ongoing efforts to improve flexibility and control for managing the security manager role, we are retiring the security manager API and replacing it with the more robust organization roles API, which provides expanded functionality for managing roles in an organization, including security managers.

Endpoints Affected

The following security manager endpoints will be retired in 12 months:

  • GET /orgs/{org}/security-managers/teams
  • PUT /orgs/{org}/security-managers/teams/{team_slug}
  • DELETE /orgs/{org}/security-managers/teams/{team_slug}

After this period, these endpoints will no longer be available. Instead, you can use the organization roles API to perform the same actions and much more.

Retirement Timeline

  • 2025-12-31
  • GitHub Enterprise Server: Version 3.20


The organization roles API offers enhanced capabilities for managing roles across an organization. Use the following endpoint as a replacement:

  • GET /orgs/{org}/roles
  • GET /orgs/{org}/roles/{role_id}/teams
  • PUT /orgs/{org}/roles/{role_id}/teams/{team_slug}
  • DELETE /orgs/{org}/roles/{role_id}/teams/{team_slug}

You can start transitioning to the organization roles API today on For GitHub Enterprise Server users, the organization roles API will support the security manager role starting in version 3.16.

Learn more about the organization roles API and send us your feedback

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Reviewers can now add comments to push protection bypass requests in secret scanning. These comments help provide context, explaining the reasoning behind approving or denying a request. Requesters gain clarity on why their request was denied, and other reviewers can better understand why a request was approved or denied.

The comment is included in the response email sent to the requester, as well as in the timeline of the resulting alert, the API, the audit log, and webhook responses.

screenshot of an alert that has bypassed push protection, with a reviewer comment in the timeline

Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning and push protection bypass controls.

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A new REST API endpoint lists the secret scanning scan history for a repository, giving you visibility into when different types of secret scanning scans have occurred in your repository. This information can be helpful for auditing purposes and troubleshooting.

To get your repository’s scan history, call the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/secret-scanning/scan-history endpoint. The following table lists the responses returned by the API:

Response Description
incremental_scans The latest scan for all patterns on new git content committed to a repository
backfill_scans The latest scan for all patterns on the entire contents of a specific type (git, issues, pull-requests, discussions, wiki)
custom_pattern_backfill_scans The latest scan for a specific custom pattern on the entire contents of a specific type (git, issues, pull-requests, discussions, wiki)
pattern_update_scans The latest scan for a new or updated native pattern on git content in a repository

Secret scanning covers multiple scan sources, triggers, and methods of scanning. Scans listed in the API are not an exhaustive list of all scans for a repository. The following scans are not included:
– incremental scans and pattern update scans for non-git content types
– non-git backfills for custom patterns set at the repository level
– any pattern update scans completed before September 2024
– scans for passwords detected with Copilot Secret Scanning

A repository must have a GitHub Advanced Security license to get the scan history.

Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning.

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To remediate and triage alerts more effectively, you can now add an optional comment when reopening a secret scanning alert. Comments will appear in the alert timeline. Previously, you could only add a comment when closing the alert.

Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning. Let us know what you think by participating in a GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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Secret scanning alerts resulting from an approved push protection bypass request will now show relevant details in the alert information surfaced in the REST API, webhooks, and audit logs. This allows information currently visible in the UI to be used in automated workflows.

Secret scanning alert REST API endpoints and webhook events now include the following fields:

Audit log events for push protection bypasses now include the following fields:

Learn more about secret scanning and bypass controls for push protection.

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Secret scanning now supports delegated bypass controls for repository file uploads from the browser.

If delegated bypass is configured for an organization or repository, anyone without bypass permissions will need to submit a bypass request to approved reviewers in order to upload a file that contains a secret. This helps ensure that secrets are not accidentally committed to a repository.

For more information, see “About secret scanning” and “About delegated bypass for push protection.”

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Public leak and multi-repository indicators are now included in webhook and audit log event payloads for secret scanning alerts.

What are public leak and multi-repo labels?

To help you triage and remediate secret leaks more effectively, GitHub secret scanning indicates if a secret detected in your repository has also leaked publicly with a public leak label on the alert. The alert also indicates if the secret was exposed in other repositories across your organization or enterprise with a multi-repo label.

These labels provide additional understanding into the distribution of an exposed secret, while also making it easier to assess an alert’s risk and urgency. For example, a secret which has a known associated exposure in a public location has a higher likelihood of exploitation. Detection of public leaks is only currently supported for provider-based patterns.

The multi-repo label makes it easier to de-duplicate alerts and is supported for all secret types, including custom patterns. You can only view and navigate to other enterprise repositories with duplicate alerts if you have appropriate permissions to view them.

Both indicators currently apply only for newly created alerts.

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Learn more about reviewing alert labels and how to secure your repositories with secret scanning. Let us know what you think by participating in our GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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Secret scanning bypass privileges for push protection are now generally available.

These controls allow you to choose who is allowed to bypass push protection, and introduce a review and approval cycle for pushes containing secrets from all other contributors. This can ensure push protection blocks are not accidentally bypassed and prevent secrets from being committed to your repositories.

Controls for bypass privileges can be set as part of your organization’s security configurations or at the repository level in your code security settings. You can add specific roles or teams to your bypass list. The individuals in these roles and teams will be able to bypass push protection themselves, and will act as reviewers for any bypass requests submitted by another contributor. The requests can be approved or denied, determining whether the commit can proceed into the repository.

screenshot of bypass privileges within security configurations

Reviewers can view the requests under the Security tab at either the organization level or repository level. Requests can also be accessed through audit log and webhook events.

Learn more about secret scanning and push protection, or join the discussion in the GitHub Community.

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You can now view exact locations of known public leaks for a secret scanning alert, as well as any repositories with duplicate alerts across your enterprise. Public leak and duplicate alert labels are now also surfaced via the REST API.

What are public leak and multi-repo labels?

To help you triage and remediate secret leaks more effectively, GitHub secret scanning now indicates if a secret detected in your repository has also leaked publicly with a public leak label on the alert. The alert also indicates if the secret was exposed in other repositories across your organization or enterprise with a multi-repo label.

These labels provide additional understanding into the distribution of an exposed secret, while also making it easier to assess an alert’s risk and urgency. For example, a secret which has a known associated exposure in a public location has a higher likelihood of exploitation. Detection of public leaks is only currently supported for provider-based patterns.

The multi-repo label makes it easier to de-duplicate alerts and is supported for all secret types, including custom patterns. You can only view and navigate to other enterprise repositories with duplicate alerts if you have appropriate permissions to view them.

Both indicators currently apply only for newly created alerts.

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Learn more about reviewing alert labels and how to secure your repositories with secret scanning. Let us know what you think by participating in our GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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Copilot secret scanning is now generally available. Copilot secret scanning, which detects generic passwords using AI, offers greater precision for unstructured credentials that can cause security breaches if exposed. Over 350,000 repositories have already enabled this password detection.

To enable Copilot secret scanning, select “Scan for generic secrets” within your code security and analysis settings at the repository level, or the code security global settings at the organization level. You can also use the Update a repository API endpoint for enablement at the repository level. Support for enablement through your organization’s code security configurations, as well as enablement for organizations and enterprises with the API, will come in a future release.

Password detection is backed by the Copilot API and is available for all repositories with a GitHub Advanced Security license. You do not need a Copilot license to enable generic secret detection. Passwords found in git content will create a secret scanning alert in the “Experimental” tab, separate from regular alerts.

In effort to reduce false positives and detections of secrets that are used in tests, Copilot secret scanning will not:
– detect more than 100 passwords per push
– detect secrets in media files (.svg, .png, .jpeg)
– detect secrets in language files (.js, .py, .ts, .java, .cs, or .rb) that contain test, mock, or spec in the filepath
– detect additional secrets in files where five or more alerts have been marked as false positive

Note that passwords will not be detected in non-git content, like GitHub Issues or pull requests. Passwords are also excluded from push protection, another feature of secret scanning designed to prevent sensitive information from being pushed to your repository.

Learn more about secret scanning and generic secret detection or join our community discussion.

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In the coming months, the current interface for managing code security settings for an enterprise will be deprecated and replaced with new and improved code security configurations that will provide you a more consistent and scalable way to manage security settings across repositories within your enterprise.

The current REST API endpoint to enable or disable a security feature for an enterprise is now deprecated. It will continue to work for an additional year in the current version of the REST API before being removed in September of 2025, but note that it may conflict with settings assigned in code security configurations if the configuration is unenforced, potentially resulting in a security configuration being unintentionally removed from a repository. To change the security settings for repositories at the enterprise level, you can use the current enterprise-level security settings UI or the upcoming code security configurations API.

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