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With GHES 3.9, you and your organization can better manage your Dependabot alerts thanks to more granular enablement controls. You can now enable Dependabot alerts at the repository, organization, and enterprise level, rather than having to enable Dependabot alerts across an entire enterprise at once.

This release also adds support for “automatically enable for new repositories” at the organization and enterprise levels.

Enterprise admins still need to opt in to Dependabot alerts via GitHub Connect, which approves outbound calls for advisories to sync.

Learn more about changes for GHES 3.9 for Dependabot.

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Dependabot version updates helps you keep your dependencies up-to-date by opening pull requests when dependencies can be upgraded. With today's release, you can now group version updates by dependency name.

Until today, Dependabot would always open individual pull requests for every dependency update in accordance with your configuration in dependabot.yml. Not only can this result in a large number of Dependabot pull requests, but there are some dependencies which must be updated in tandem with each other or the update will fail. In these cases, the individual Dependabot pull requests would always fail until you manually intervened to do the update.

Now, in your dependabot.yml configuration file, you can set custom grouping rules for Dependabot based on pattern matching on package name. Here is an example of how these rules can be set up:

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "bundler"
    directory: "/"
      interval: weekly
    # New!
      # This is the name of your group, it will be used in PR titles and branch names
        # A pattern can be...
          - "rubocop" # a single dependency name
          - "aws*"  # or a wildcard string that matches multiple dependencies
          # If you'd simply like to group as many dependencies together as possible, 
          # you can use the wildcard * - but keep in mind this may open a very large PR!
        # Additionally, you can specify any dependencies to be excluded from the group
          - "aws-sdk"

This configuration applies to regularly scheduled Dependabot version updates only. Security updates for Dependabot will continue to open as individual pull requests, even if they match a configured grouping rule.

This feature is in beta, so you may encounter instability and the feature-set is currently limited. You may file any bugs encountered in the dependabot-core repo.

To learn more about grouping rules for Dependabot version updates, please refer to our documentation.

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Enterprise users will now notice added functionality where Dependabot security and version updates may be paused for repositories.

If you are an enterprise user that uses Dependabot updates and there has been no activity in a repository, such as merging, closing, or any other interaction, with Dependabot pull requests for a period exceeding 90 days, the updates will be paused. To resume activity, simply merge or close one of Dependabot's pull requests, or modify the Dependabot config file in the repository.

This change will help Dependabot be more focused to the repositories you care about and reduce use of GitHub Actions minutes on inactive Dependabot pull requests.

If you are using security overview with GitHub Advanced Security, you will be able to see which repositories in your organization have been paused from the security coverage view.

You will also be able to see whether Dependabot has been paused for a repository by querying the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/automated-security-fixes REST API endpoint, which will return both the enablement status and paused status of the repository.

When will Dependabot become paused?

This change only applies to repositories where Dependabot pull requests exist but remain untouched. If no Dependabot pull requests have been opened, Dependabot will never become paused.

The following must be true for at least 90 days:

  • Has not had a Dependabot PR merged
  • Has not had changes made to the Dependabot config file
  • Has not had any @dependabot comment-ops performed
  • Has not had any Dependabot PRs closed by the user
  • Has received at least one Dependabot PR before the 90 day window
  • Has at least one Dependabot PR open at the end of the 90 day window
  • Has had Dependabot enabled for this entire period

How will Dependabot let me know?

Dependabot will add a notice to the body of all open Dependabot pull requests and add a dependabot-paused label to them. Dependabot will also add a banner notice in the UI of your repository settings page (under “Dependabot”) as well as your Dependabot alerts page (if Dependabot security updates are affected).

Who can use this feature?

This change does not apply to Dependabot alerts or subsequent notifications. So, only repositories that have automated Dependabot version updates or security updates, but haven't interacted with these pull requests for a while, will be affected.

Learn more about this change
Learn more about how to interact with the REST API

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Suppressed notifications for Dependabot alerts at enablement time

At first time enablement, Dependabot will no longer send web or email notifications that summarize when a repository is populated with Dependabot alerts. Now, you'll have visibility across all your Dependabot alerts without immediately notifying developers who watch security alerts across your repository or organization. This change applies across all levels: repository, organization, and enterprise.

For any developers both watching a repository and opted in to receive Dependabot alert notifications, future notifications will still be sent for incoming alerts after enablement, as well as for daily and weekly digests.

About this change

We’ve been working to steadily improve our security alert notifications. As part of our notification strategy, notifications will no longer be sent at first time enablement for Dependabot alerts. Notifications are muted across all levels of enablement: repository, organization, and enterprise.

This change does not affect email digests or notifications on newly created alerts after enablement.

Available alert notifications and indicators

Today, when a dependency-based vulnerability is detected, Dependabot lets you know based on your user notifications settings and repository watching settings. You can opt to receive:

  • Web-based notifications on alerts in your GitHub inbox
  • Email-based notifications on alerts
  • Email digests (weekly or daily roll-ups of alerts).

From the UI, you can also use the "Security" alert count in your repository navigation as an indicator for when your repository has alerts. This Security tab includes the count for all active Dependabot alerts, code scanning alerts, secret scanning alerts, and any security advisories that you have permissions to view.

Learn more about Dependabot alerts and configuring notifications for alerts.

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Sometimes, due to misconfiguration or incompatible versions, Dependabot jobs for a repository will fail and Dependabot will continue to run and continue to fail. Now, after 30 failed runs, Dependabot will immediately fail subsequent scheduled jobs until you trigger a check for updates from the dependency graph or by updating a manifest file. Dependabot security update jobs will still trigger as usual.

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If you manage your node.js dependencies with the pnpm package manager, you can now use Dependabot to keep those dependencies updated with automatic pull requests. You can easily configure this feature by adding or updating your dependabot.yml file in your repository. At this time, Dependabot will not open security alerts against pnpm dependencies.

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Starting today, Dependabot will be able to auto-dismiss npm alerts that have limited impact (e.g. long-running tests) or are unlikely to be exploitable. With this ship, Dependabot will cut false positives and reduce alert fatigue substantially.

On-by-default for public repositories, and opt-in for private repositories, this feature will result in 15% of low impact npm alerts being auto-dismissed moving forward – so you can focus on the alerts that matter, without worrying about the ones that don’t.

What’s changing?

When the feature is enabled, Dependabot will auto-dismiss certain types of vulnerabilities that are found in npm dependencies used in development (npm devDependency alerts with scope:development). This feature will help you proactively filter out false positives on development-scoped (non-production or runtime) alerts without compromising on high risk devDependency alerts.

Dependabot alerts auto-dismissal list view

Frequently asked questions

Why is GitHub making this change?

At GitHub, we’ve been thinking deeply about how to responsibly address long-running issues around alert fatigue and false positives. Rather than over-indexing on one criterion like reachability or dependency scope, we believe that a responsibly-designed solution should be able to detect and reason on a rich set of complex, contextual alert metadata.

That’s why, moving forward, we’re releasing a series of ships powered by an underlying, all-new, flexible and powerful alert rules engine. Today’s ship, our first application, leverages GitHub-curated vulnerability patterns to help proactively filter out false positive alerts.

Why auto-dismissal, rather than purely suppressing these alerts?

Auto-dismissing ensures any ignored alerts are 1) able to be reintroduced if alert metadata changes, 2) caught by existing reporting systems and workflows, and 3) extensible as a whole to future rules-based actions, where Dependabot can decision on subsets of alerts and do things like reopen for patch, open a Dependabot pull request, or even auto-merge if very risky.

How does GitHub identify and detect low impact alerts?

Auto-dismissed alerts match GitHub-curated vulnerability patterns. These patterns take into account contextual information about how you’re using the dependency and the level of risk they may pose to your repository. To learn more, see our documentation on covered classes of vulnerabilities.

How will this activity be reported?

Auto-dismissal activity is supported across webhooks, REST, GraphQL, and the audit log for Dependabot alerts. In addition, you can review your closed alert list with the resolution:auto-dismissed filter.

How will this experience look and feel?

Alerts identified as false positives will be automatically dismissed without a notification or new pull request, and appear as special timeline event. As these alerts are closed, you’ll still be able to review any auto-dismissed alerts with the resolution:auto-dismissed filter.

How do I reopen an automatically dismissed alert?

Like any manually dismissed alert, you can reopen an auto-dismissed alert from the alert list view or details page. This specific alert won’t be auto-dismissed again.

What happens if alert metadata changes or advisory information is withdrawn?

Dependabot recognizes and immediately responds to any changes to metadata which void auto-dismissal logic. For example, if you change the dependency scope and the alert no longer meets the criteria to be auto-dismissed, the alert will automatically reopen.

How can I enable or disable the feature?

This feature is on-by-default for public repositories and opt-in for private repositories. Repository admins can opt in or out from your Dependabot alerts settings in the Code Security page.

Is this feature available for enterprise?

Yes! In addition to all free repositories, this feature will ship immediately to GHEC and to GHES in version 3.10.

What’s next?

Next, we’ll expose our underlying engine – which enables Dependabot to perform actions based on a rich set of contextual alert metadata – so you can write your own custom rules to better manage your alerts, too.

How do I learn more?

How do I provide feedback?

Let us know what you think by providing feedback — we’re listening!

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When changes in a repository make a Dependabot pull request out-of-date, Dependabot will automatically rebase it so that it is able to be merged without your manual effort. With this release, if a PR has not been merged for 30 days, Dependabot will stop rebasing it and will include a note about this in the PR body. You will still be able to manually rebase and merge the pull request. We've heard your feedback about Dependabot noisiness and are making Dependabot quieter and more focused on repositories you care about. For enterprise customers, this improvement has the added benefit of enhanced efficiency with your self-hosted GitHub Actions runners. For Enterprise Server customers, this update will be available to you in GHES 3.10.

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You can now fetch release notes, changelogs and commit history for Docker update pull requests with Dependabot. This will allow you to quickly evaluate the stability risk of the dependency upgrade. To enable support, add the org.opencontainers.image.source label to the Dockerfile with the URL of the source repository. Additionally, the repository should be tagged with the same tags as the published Docker images. This allows Dependabot to understand which repo and commit is associated each version/tag of a Docker image. Here's an example repository demonstrating this setup.

Did you know? Dependabot's internal library for identifying dependency updates is open source. If you notice a Dependabot pull request is missing metadata, you can leverage the transparency of open source to debug the root cause – for example, if the package maintainer needs to fix their metadata annotation.

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What’s new?

This feature makes it easier to enable Dependabot alerts and check enablement status across all your repositories at an enterprise level, with updates across both enablement UI and APIs. These updates will ship today for and will ship for GitHub Enterprise Server users in 3.9.

Changes to the REST API

Dependabot alerts have been added to existing endpoints:

‘Code security and analysis’ settings

You can also adjust your enablement settings from your enterprise settings page (under ‘code security and analysis’). Options include enable all, disable all, and enable for new repositories for your enterprise.

Enable Dependabot alerts

Learn more about Dependabot alerts

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What's new?

Starting today, anyone with repository write or maintain roles will be able to view and act on Dependabot alerts by default. Previously, only repository admins could view and act on Dependabot alerts. This change will help ensure that alerts are visible to the same developers responsible for fixing them.

How do I opt in?

No action needed–this change will be applied to all existing and new repositories starting today.

What's not changing?

This doesn’t affect custom roles, the Security Manager role, or organization permissions for Dependabot alerts. Only repository admins can enable or disable Dependabot alerts.

What about alert notifications?

This change also will not affect your alert notification or repository watching settings. So, if you aren’t opted in to Dependabot alert notifications based on your user settings, you won’t receive any.

If you are currently receiving notifications on alerts, any new repositories will be included with existing Dependabot alerts notifications.

Learn more about this change here.

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