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Since the introduction of Category Sections to organize content in our own community, users have asked for similar features to organize their own Discussions. Today, we're introducing the ability for all maintainers to group their Discussion categories into sections. We think this will help users better organize content, and also find new content more easily.
Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 8 28 12 AM

The UI for this feature looks similar to the one in our own community, but users will now see a new UI when they edit a category. Users can not only create a new Category, but they can also create a new section from the "Manage Discussion Categories" page.
Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 8 30 22 AM

Editing a single category now also gives the user the option of adding it to an existing section.
Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 8 31 41 AM

For questions or feedback, please visit our community.

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Many users use our Slack integration to know what’s new in their repo’s Discussion. However, for large repos, these notifications can get overwhelming. Today, we’re introducing the ability to subscribe to specific Discussion categories in Slack. By default, when users subscribe to a Discussion, they subscribe to all categories. With the new command, we’re introducing a way to add category filters:

/github subscribe <org_name>/<repo_name> discussions:{category:"<category1>","<category2>"}

Users can also unsubscribe a Slack channel from previously set category filters with a similar command:

/github unsubscribe <org_name>/<repo_name> discussions:{category:"<category1>"}

Note: By default, if no category filters were added, the app will subscribe to all categories in the Discussion. Similarly, if you remove all category filters, the app will return to its default state of being subscribed to all categories. To unsubscribe from Discussions entirely, users can continue to use the unsubscribe command on Discussions, as shown below:

/github unsubscribe <org_name>/<repo_name> discussions

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