Enhanced billing platform is now available for personal accounts
Enhanced billing platform is now available for personal accounts
Enhanced billing platform is now available for personal accounts
Verify email address to secure Enterprise Managed User accounts
Enterprise Managed User accounts now require email verification
Japanese Consumption Tax (JCT) on your GitHub Account
Dependabot migration to GitHub Actions for Enterprise Cloud and Free, Pro, and Teams accounts with Actions enabled
Starting September 3, 2024 enterprise customers who currently have a single organization without an enterprise account will be automatically upgraded into an enterprise account at no additional cost. An enterprise…
Account picker updates for OAuth and GitHub App sign-in
New Enterprise accounts have metered billing for Git LFS
United States Sales Tax and Exemptions on your GitHub Account
Secret scanning’s push protection will soon be enabled for all free accounts on GitHub
You can pick your account during device flow login
New 2FA account recovery options via password reset flow
Log in with multiple GitHub accounts on GitHub Mobile
Sudo mode now applies to the administrator account for an Enterprise Managed User enterprise
With enterprise accounts for all, your organization can take advantage of all that GitHub Enterprise has to offer, from GitHub Actions and GitHub Advanced Security, to Copilot.
Administrators, or enterprise owners, have the increased responsibility of managing their account and keeping it secure. We are excited to introduce what is new with enterprise accounts and what is coming soon.
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