Upcoming Automatic Upgrade to the Enterprise Account Experience

Starting September 3, 2024 enterprise customers who currently have a single organization without an enterprise account will be automatically upgraded into an enterprise account at no additional cost. An enterprise account will be created for you, and your organization will become the first member organization.

In April 2023, we introduced enterprise accounts for all new enterprise customers. We outlined our plans to assist existing customers with a single organization in obtaining an enterprise account. Enterprise accounts provide a unified experience granting access to all the latest and most robust features within the platform.

What is an enterprise account?

Enterprise accounts represent the top-most layer of the GitHub Enterprise management hierarchy, allowing enterprise owners to manage and scale their GitHub environments. Essentially, the enterprise account sits above organizations and serves as the primary interface for enterprise owners.

Benefits of an enterprise account:

Timeline & Next Steps:

If you have a GitHub Enterprise Cloud account without an enterprise account:

  • Voluntary Upgrade (Now – September 3rd, 2024): Administrators can proactively upgrade their existing account to an enterprise account via the Billing and Plans page under the account’s settings.
  • Automatic Upgrade (Starting September 3rd, 2024): If an upgrade was not completed during the voluntary phase, the account will be assigned a scheduled upgrade date. We’ll notify administrators two weeks prior to this date.
  • Seamless Transition: On the scheduled upgrade date, if not yet upgraded, the account will seamlessly transition and be nested under a new assigned enterprise account.

  • The new enterprise account name will match the organization name or as close as possible if the name is already taken, and customers may choose to rename after the upgrade.

  • There will be no change in ownership, all of the existing owners will remain the owners of the new enterprise account. The organization’s URL will not change, so existing usage of the repos or organization URL will not be impacted.
  • The existing configuration such as SAML SSO, PATs, policies, and application integrations should remain with the organization, unless there’s an override at the enterprise account.

CodeQL is the static analysis engine that powers GitHub code scanning. CodeQL version 2.17.5 has been released and has now been rolled out to code scanning users on GitHub.com.

CodeQL code scanning now supports automatic fix suggestions for C/C++ alerts, powered by Copilot. This is automatically enabled for all private repositories for all GitHub Advanced Security customers. Autofix covers all security queries for C/C++ from our Default suite. Use our public discussion for questions and feedback.

Also included in this release:
– C/C++ now supports adding models for sources, sinks and summaries in data extension files, making it easier to expand support to new libraries.
– Python adds support for opml library and C/C++ adds partial support for Boost.Asio network library.
– All the CodeQL CLI commands that produce SARIF will output a minified version to reduce size.

For a full list of changes, please refer to the complete changelog for version 2.17.5. All new functionality will also be included in GHES 3.14. Users of GHES 3.13 or older can upgrade their CodeQL version.

See more

The GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13 release is generally available

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13 gives customers more fine-grained control over deployment requirements and enhanced security controls. Here are a few highlights:

  • We are introducing a new feature for repositories called custom properties, a major enhancement to how repositories are managed and classified across GitHub organizations. Properties offer a flexible way to add meaningful metadata to your repositories that simplifies repository classification, enhances discoverability, and seamlessly integrates with rulesets. Check out the demo! For more information, see custom properties for repositories.
  • Elasticsearch will be upgraded from version 5 to version 8, when the appliance is upgraded to 3.13. Elasticsearch powers all search experiences in GHES including code search and audit logs. Upgrading ES5 to ES8 allows the platform to take advantage of better performance and improved security posture in ES8. For more information regarding what to expect during ES8 upgrade, see Preparing for Elasticsearch upgrade in GHES 3.13.
  • Enterprise and organization audit log events now include the applicable SAML and SCIM identity data associated with the user. For more information, see Reviewing the audit log for your organization.
  • Developers who use devcontainer.json files to define their development containers will now be able to use Dependabot version updates to keep their dependencies in the container up-to-date. Once configured in dependabot.yml, Dependabot will open PRs on a specified schedule to update the listed dependencies to latest.
  • Pull Requests rebases are now faster! Under the hood, rebase commits now use the merge-ort. Rebases that timed out for large repositories before are now a lot more likely to be successful.
  • Using Project Status Updates, you can now provide high level details on the status, timing, and progress of your project, directly from the project! This makes it easy to know and share with others how your work is progressing, any risks, and a history of when and why something changed, all in the same place where you’re tracking your work.

Read more about GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13 in the release notes,
or download it now.

If you have any issues upgrading your GitHub Enterprise Server Appliance to version 3.13, or problems using new features, please contact our Support team.

Please join us on GitHub Community to share your feedback or ask any questions about the new features!

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