New Enterprise accounts have metered billing for Git LFS

Enterprise accounts on, created after June 2, 2024, along with organizations owned by these accounts, have access to the enhanced billing platform. This includes enhanced billing for Git Large File Storage (LFS). Enterprises who participated in the beta program also have access to this platform. Other Enterprise accounts on, and Free, Pro, and Team accounts, will gain access to the enhanced billing platform in the coming months.

The enhanced billing platform transitions Git LFS from a pre-paid, quota-based model (data packs) to a post-paid, usage-based model (metered billing). This new platform offers better spending control and detailed visibility, allowing for a clearer understanding of your usage with more granular controls.

Additionally, GitHub is increasing the free, included amount of Git LFS resources for Enterprise accounts on the enhanced billing platform. They will now receive 250 GiB of storage and 250 GiB of download bandwidth per month at no cost. Beyond these amounts, storage for Git LFS files will cost $0.07 per GiB per month (USD), and download bandwidth will cost $0.0875 per GiB per month (USD).

For more information, visit “About enhanced billing for Git Large File Storage” and “Using the enhanced billing platform for enterprises.”

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

Today, GitHub announced the public beta of ArmⓇ-based Linux and Windows hosted runners for GitHub Actions.
This new addition to our suite of hosted runners provides power, performance & sustainability improvements for all your Actions jobs. Developers can now take advantage of Arm-based hardware hosted by GitHub to build and deploy their release assets anywhere Arm architecture is used. These runners are priced at 37% less than our x64 Linux and Windows runners.

The Arm64 runners are fully managed by GitHub with an image built by Arm containing all the tools needed for developers to get started. To view the list of installed software, give feedback, or to report issues with the image, head to the new partner runner images repository.

Arm runners are available to customers on our Team and Enterprise Cloud plans. We expect to begin offering Arm runners for open source and personal accounts by the end of the year.

Get Started

Customers can begin using these runners today by creating an Arm runner in their organization/enterprise, then updating the runs-on syntax in their Actions workflow file to call that runner name.
More information on how to set up Arm-hosted runners can be found in our public documentation.
To learn more about hosted runner per minute rates, see our rate table.

We’re eager to hear your feedback on these runners, share your thoughts on our GitHub Community Discussion.

See more

We’ve streamlined the process for organizations to request invoices as a payment option for GitHub Sponsors. The service agreement for invoiced payments has moved out of the invoice request flow and added to the GitHub Sponsors additional terms.

If your organization is already receiving invoices for Sponsorships, there’s no need to worry. Your invoicing and current agreement will remain unchanged.

For more information on invoice payments for GitHub Sponsors, please visit Paying for GitHub Sponsors by Invoice.”

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