The refreshed commit details page is now generally available!
This improved page lets you view and navigate the changes within a commit with improvements to filtering, commenting, and keyboard navigation.
What’s new 🎉
- Comment counts in tree: Easily spot files with comments by seeing the number of comments directly in the file tree.
- Floating comments: Code comments now float on top of the diff to improve readability of the diffs. Click the commenter’s avatar on the right side of the line to open.
- Instantly switch views: Switch between unified and split views without waiting for the page to reload.
- Keyboard navigation in diffs: You can now navigate around changed lines in the diff using the
keys on your keyboard. A new context menu also makes it easier to comment, copy, and select. - Filtering: You can filter changes by file name or extension. Also, the diffs for filtered out files are hidden to help reduce distractions.
Fixes and enhancements
Feedback during the public preview really helped us improve this page. Some of the more notable enhancements:
- Compact line height: New user setting that controls the height of lines in the diff, which can help reduce scrolling and improve readability.
- Submodule changes: The files changed when updating a submodule reference are now listed again.
- Full commit message: The full commit message was previously hidden behind “Show More”, but is now fully shown.
Some of the more notable bugs that were addressed:
- Fixed: The native browser context menu replaced by a custom menu when right-clicking on a diff.
- Fixed: Tab indents not rendering correctly on some browsers.
- Fixed: Missing “no newline at end of file” indicator.
- Fixed: Performance issues on some browsers when interacting with the page.
See the full list of fixes and enhancements in the public preview feedback discussion.
Get help
To learn more about viewing commits, see About commits.
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