Search results for: repository
GitHub Repository Rules are now generally available
Repository rules provide an easy, flexible way to define branch protections and ensure consistency in code across repositories.
Warn when the npm provenance source commit or repository cannot be found
Warn when the npm provenance source commit or repository cannot be found
Dependabot alerts can be enabled at the repository, organization, and enterprise levels in GHES 3.9
Dependabot alerts can be enabled at the repository, organization, and enterprise levels in GHES 3.9
Code scanning default setup automatically updates when the languages in the repository change
Code scanning default setup automatically updates when the languages in the repository change
Use GitHub code search to support security research with multi-repository variant analysis for CodeQL (beta)
Use GitHub code search to support security research with multi-repostiory variant analysis for CodeQL (beta)
Choose which languages to enable in code scanning default setup for your repository
Choose which languages to enable in code scanning default setup for your repository
Introducing Actions on the Repository view on GitHub Mobile
Introducing Actions on the Repository view on GitHub Mobile
Fixed bug that allowed a hovercard URL to be used to display the name, description, and star count of any repository
Fixed bug that allowed a hovercard URL to be used to display the name, description, and star count of any repository
Multi-repository enablement: effortlessly scale code scanning across your repositories
We’ve gotten great feedback on default setup, a simple way to set up code scanning on your repository. Now, you have the ability to use default setup across your organization’s repositories, in just one click.
Repository topics and team filters for enterprise-level Dependabot, secret scanning, and code scanning pages
You can now filter by repository topic or team on the enterprise-level Dependabot, code scanning, and secret scanning pages in security overview. These improvements have shipped to and will…
Repository topics and team filters for organization-level Dependabot, secret scanning, and code scanning pages
You can now filter by repository topic or team on the organization-level Dependabot, code scanning, and secret scanning pages in security overview. These improvements have shipped to and will…
Code scanning shows the health of tools enabled on a repository
Code scanning shows the health of tools enabled on a repository
Code scanning API to enable default setup with CodeQL on a repository
Code scanning API to enable default setup with CodeQL on a repository
Use multi-repository variant analysis (beta) to run CodeQL queries at scale
Use multi-repository variant analysis (beta) to run CodeQL queries at scale
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