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Repository Rules public beta updates

We are introducing a number of enhancements, bug fixes and a breaking API change to repository rules.

1. UI Updates
* Added a repository picker to target select repositories for organization rulesets.
* Improvements to rule violations in the WebUI and git client.

2. Ruleset Bypass updates

  • Bypass can be limited to pull request exemptions only.
  • Single UI for bypass, collapsing bypass mode, and bypass list into one experience.
  • Support for using repository roles as a bypass type
  • Integrations (bots/apps) are now bypassable at the org.

3. API Enhancements

  • Add fields for created and updated date
  • Permission changes so all repo contributors can query the API for relevant rules enforced on branches.

4. Bug fixes

  • Linear merge history could block bypass
  • Branches could not always be created when using commit metadata rules
  • Tag protections were failing for apps

5. API Changes

  • GraphQL changes will be delayed by 24-72 hours.
  • Breaking Change Remove bypass_mode from the Ruleset object and input
  • Breaking Change Add bypass_mode as a required field for bypass actors to indicate if an actor can “always” bypass a ruleset or can only bypass for a “pull_request”
  • Breaking Change for GraphQL Change bypass_actor_ids to a new bypass_actors object on the create and update mutations that can accept repository roles and organization admins
  • Add repository_role_database_id, repository_role_name, and organization_admin fields to RepositoryRulesetBypassActor to indicate when the bypass actor is a role or org admin bypass
  • “get rules for a branch” REST API endpoint now returns ruleset source info for each rule.
  • “get a repo ruleset” REST API endpoint now has a current_user_can_bypass field that indicates whether the user making the request can bypass the ruleset.
  • source field for rulesets returned via the REST API will now properly contain the repo in owner/name syntax when the ruleset is configured on a repository, rather than just the repository’s name.

We want to hear from you on how we can improve repository rules! Join the conversation in the repository rules public beta discussion.

Code scanning default setup now automatically updates when the languages in a repository change.

If a repository that uses default setup changes to include the languages JavaScript/TypeScript, Ruby, Python, or Go, the configuration will automatically update to include these languages. If the new configuration fails, we’ll resume the previous configuration automatically so that the repository does not lose coverage. The configuration will also automatically update if a repository removes a language.

You can always view the repository’s default setup configuration from the Code security and analysis settings page. Additionally, you can use the tool status page to view useful information about your setup and debug any failed languages.

Default set up makes it easy to get started with code scanning. The supported languages are currently JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Ruby and Go and the list is constantly evolving. For more information on code scanning default setup, see Configuring code scanning automatically.

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Today we are announcing the general availability of code scanning default setup enablement at the organization level.

Code scanning enable all default setup button on the organization's 'Settings' page

You can use code scanning default setup to enable CodeQL analysis for pull requests and pushes on eligible repositories without committing any workflow files. Currently, this feature is only available for repositories that use GitHub Actions and it supports analysis of JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Ruby and Go. We plan to add support for additional languages soon.

This feature is also available as a public beta in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.9 and will be generally available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.10.

Learn more about configuring code scanning at scale using CodeQL and the "Enable or disable a security feature for an organization" REST API
Learn more about GitHub Advanced Security

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