Repository Actions Runners List

With the Repository Actions Runners List, you can now view all available runners in the Actions tab of a repository. This feature is now in public beta and will be gradually released in the upcoming weeks.

The runner types listed include Standard GitHub-hosted, Larger GitHub-hosted (for faster builds), Self-hosted, and Scale-sets.

Repository Actions Runners List

For some benefits of using the Repository Actions Runners List:

  • Visibility across all GitHub Actions runners: Users with repo:write access can now view runner options without needing to rely on internal documentation or contacting a Repo admin or an Organization owner for runner label names.
  • Faster access to runner labels: Quickly view and copy labels for all runners, making it straightforward to identify the type of runner you need and use it in a workflow.

To access the Repository Actions Runners List:

  1. Navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. Click the “Actions” tab under your repository name.
  3. Under the “Management” section in the left sidebar, click on “Runners”.
  4. Explore the available runners for the repository and copy runner labels as needed.

Note: Enterprise and Organization owners can also create new runners from this page from the “New runner” button.

This feature is available to users with:

  • Free and Pro Personal Accounts
  • Free Organizations
  • Paid Organizations on the Team and GitHub Enterprise Cloud plans

Note: This feature is not currently available to users in Organizations on the GitHub Enterprise Server and Legacy plans, or Enterprise Managed Users.

If you have any feedback to help improve this experience, be sure to post it on our GitHub Community Discussion.

If you are using Dependabot grouped version updates (currently in public beta), you can now group your pull requests by semantic version update level. This addition is designed to help reduce the risk of introducing a breaking change through an update.
To use this new functionality, add a new update-types key in your group rule, as shown below:

    - "@angular*"
    - "minor"
    - "patch"

The update-types key accepts values "major," "minor," and "patch," following the SemVer structure of major.minor.patch.

This new key works alongside existing grouping parameters such as patterns, dependency-type, and exclude-patterns, allowing you to fine-tune the grouped pull requests that Dependabot creates for you!

Learn more about configuring grouped Dependabot version updates

See more

As of August 17, 2023, Dependabot updates no longer support Python 3.6 or 3.7, which have reached their end-of-life. If your code uses these versions, Dependabot will no longer be able to open pull requests in your repository and will log errors. Update to at least Python 3.8 to ensure your code is secure and Dependabot can still run.

This change impacts Dependabot pull requests only – you will continue to receive Dependabot alerts for dependencies with known vulnerabilities. To resolve the alert, you can upgrade the affected package yourself manually.

View the official release cycle for Python for more information on supported versions.

Learn more about supported package managers for Dependabot

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