Yarn support for security alerts

Yarn now supports security alerts for public and private repositories.

| 1 minutes

GitHub security alerts help developers stay on top of vulnerabilities that impact their dependencies. JavaScript developers already receive alerts for their NPM-based projects that use package.json and package-lock.json manifests. Now developers who use Yarn for dependency management will also receive security alerts for any vulnerable dependencies listed in their yarn.lock manifests.

Example security alerts

How to enable security alerts for Yarn

  • If you have a public repository, you’ll start receiving these alerts automatically—no need to change anything.
  • If you have a private repository or if you previously opted out of receiving these alerts, just enable the dependency graph to start receiving alerts.

Learn more about security alerts

Written by

Justin Hutchings

Justin Hutchings


Director of Product Management for supply chain security. I manage the team that's behind Dependabot, the Advisory Database, and the dependency graph. Twitter: https://twitter.com/jhutchings0

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