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News & insights

Resources for developers seeking to stay informed about the latest industry trends, research, and updates from GitHub. Explore research and surveys that delve into various aspects of software development and open source communities—and Octoverse, which provides detailed annual analyses of open source and public projects across GitHub.

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Google Summer of Git

It’s that time again. Google’s Summer of Code project is open for student applications. If you’re not familiar with it, GSoC is where Google will pay students to work on…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub Reflog v1.3.28

Welcome to the second edition of The GitHub Reflog. This is a new weekly chronicle of remarkable GitHub repos. For previous articles, check out The Reflog Archive. Featured Repo of…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.


We have a 🆕 and very 🆒 🎁 for all of you. 🆗 so we were drinking 🍺 from our new Kegerator (✨❤✨). Holman was excited to use his new…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Reply to Comments from Email

You should notice a small change to the From address on your email notifications now: they’re no longer from no-reply@github.com. We’re now accepting replies from most email notifications that you’ll…

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