GitHub Token Scanning—one billion tokens identified and five new partners
Token scanning has reached a new milestone: one billion tokens identified. We’ve also added five new partners—Atlassian, Dropbox, Discord, Proctorio, and Pulumi.
Over the course of a year, GitHub’s engineers make millions of commits across all of our internal repositories, process billions of API requests, and run tens of thousands of deployments across the internal apps that power GitHub’s services. We use many of GitHub’s products and plenty of other open source tools to operate at this scale. Here’s an inside look into how we do it.
Token scanning has reached a new milestone: one billion tokens identified. We’ve also added five new partners—Atlassian, Dropbox, Discord, Proctorio, and Pulumi.
Commit signing is now enabled for all bots by default.
Enterprise and organization admins can now register their SSH certificate authorities with GitHub, helping their team access repositories over Git using SSH certificates.
We recently upgraded GitHub to use the latest version of Ruby 2.6. Ruby 2.6 contains an optimization for reducing memory usage.
Read about some big changes for the coming year: full legal protection for researchers, more GitHub properties eligible for rewards, and increased reward amounts.
Performance and reliability conversations as a GitHub product
We’ve extended GitHub Token Scanning to include tokens from cloud service providers and additional credentials.
Learn how we use machine learning to power and build on security alerts and make GitHub more secure.
On August 15th GitHub celebrated a major milestone: our main application is now running on the latest version of Rails: 5.2.1! 🎉 In total the project took a year and…
We have recently completed a milestone where we were able to drop jQuery as a dependency of the frontend code for This marks the end of a gradual, years-long…
At GitHub, we serve tens of thousands of requests every second out of our network edge, operating on GitHub’s metal cloud. We’ve previously introduced GLB, our scalable load balancing solution…
GitHub uses MySQL as its main datastore for all things non-git, and its availability is critical to GitHub’s operation. The site itself, GitHub’s API, authentication and more, all require database…
How we use Figma files to keep the Octicons icon library up to date
At GitHub, we use MySQL as the main database technology backing our services. We run classic MySQL master-replica setups, where writes go to the master, and replicas replay master’s changes asynchronously. To be able to serve our traffic we read data from the MySQL replicas.
GitHub’s Spokes system stores multiple distributed copies of Git repositories. This article discusses how we got Spokes replication to span widely separated datacenters. Background: Spokes GitHub developed a system called…
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