Full compatibility and enhanced authentication for GitHub Copilot in JetBrains IDEs 2024.3

GitHub Copilot plugin now available for JetBrains IDEs version 2024.3

The GitHub Copilot plugin for JetBrains IDEs now fully supports version 2024.3 for you favorite IDEs, including IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and more! This update allows you to take advantage of the latest features and improvements in your development environment, making your coding experience even more seamless and efficient.

What’s new ✨

  • Full compatibility: Use GitHub Copilot with the latest version of JetBrains IDEs.
  • Enhanced authentication: Enjoy a more efficient and secure authentication process.

Benefits for developers ⚡️

  • Stay updated: Leverage the newest features and enhancements in your preferred JetBrains IDE.
  • Improved security: Benefit from a streamlined and secure authentication process.
  • Seamless integration: Experience better compatibility and performance with your development tools.

Get Involved 🛠

If you use version 2024.3 of a JetBrains IDE, we encourage you to try the updated GitHub Copilot plugin and share your feedback. Your input is invaluable in helping us refine and improve the product.

Join the Discussion 🚀

Connect with us and other developers in the GitHub Community Discussion to share your experiences, ask questions, and provide feedback.

Repository rules now allow you to enforce which merge methods are available when merging pull requests into a specified branch. The merge method rule is available for rulesets at the repository, organization and the enterprise level. Allowing you to choose between merge commit, squash, or rebase to ensure only the selected merge methods are allowed on the targeted branches across the user interface and APIs.

Screenshot of merge type rule selection

Learn more in the documentation and join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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Artifact Attestations now supports attesting multiple subjects simultaneously. When the attest-build-provenance or attest-sbom actions create multiple attestations, a single attestation is created with references to each of the supplied subjects, rather than generating separate attestations for each artifact. This reduces the number of attestations that you need to create and manage. We published these changes as new versions of the respective actions. Please update your workflows to reference the new versions in order to leverage the new functionality.

Learn more about using Artifact Attestations to establish provenance for builds

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