GitHub Copilot Enterprise – Copilot knows about issues + more April 2024 updates

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Another month means more exciting updates to GitHub Copilot Enterprise! 📆 Check out what’s new below:

  • Ask Copilot Chat in to summarize and answer questions about specific issues: Copilot can read an issue and answer questions based on its title, author, status, body, linked pull requests, comments, and timestamps. To learn more, see “Asking a question about a specific issue” in the GitHub Docs.
    • Try it yourself: Navigate to an issue on, and ask Copilot to Summarize this issue
  • Stop Copilot Chat in mid-response with the “Stop” button: If your question wasn’t quite right, you’ve already got your answer, or Copilot isn’t heading in the right direction, you can now stop Copilot mid-response with the “Stop” button, like you can in your IDE.

Got feedback on any of these updates or Copilot Enterprise more generally? Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

Repository Updates April 30th, 2024

  • Deploy keys are now supported as a bypass actor in repository rules, allowing additional granularity for your automations. Previously for deploy keys to bypass a ruleset the Repository Administrator role was required.
  • Webhooks and GitHub Actions will no longer be run for any push that includes over 5000 branches. Clients will now receive the following warning indicating they have reached this limit. remote: warning: No webhooks or actions will be performed for this push as it updates more than 5000 branches.

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The code scanning option for repository rules is now available in public beta. Code scanning users can now create a dedicated code scanning rule to block pull request merges, instead of relying on status checks.
Making it easier than ever to prevent new vulnerabilities from being introduced into your code base.

code scanning rule

Configuring code scanning merge protection with rulesets can be done at the repository or organization levels and for repositories configured with either default setup or advanced setup. Additionally you can also use the REST API to set merge protection with rulesets.

You can use rulesets to prevent pull requests from being merged when one of the following conditions is met:
– A required tool found a code scanning alert of a severity that is defined in a ruleset.
– A required code scanning tool’s analysis is still in progress.
– A required code scanning tool is not configured for the repository.

Note: Merge protection with rulesets is not related to status checks. If the code scanning rule is configured for the repository in parallel with an alert threshold and the merge protection rule for the code scanning check run, the two functionalities will work simultaneously. For more information about status checks, see about status checks.

This beta is now available on and will be available on GHES 3.14. The organisation wide rules is only available for GitHub enterprise. For more information, see Configuring merge protection for all repositories in an organization.

We look forward to your feedback on the code scanning option for repository rules in the GitHub community.

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