Calendar-based versioning for the REST API

Today, we’re introducing calendar-based versioning for the REST API to give API integrators a smooth migration path and plenty of time to update their integrations when we need to make occasional breaking changes to the API.

You can learn more in today’s blog post and on the new “API Versions” page in our docs.

If you’re using the REST API, you don’t need to take any action right now. We’ll get in touch with plenty of notice before we drop support for any old versions.

Starting today, GitHub code scanning includes beta support for analyzing code written in Kotlin, powered by the CodeQL engine.

Kotlin is a key programming language used in the creation of Android mobile applications, and is an increasingly popular choice for new projects, augmenting or even replacing Java. To help organisations and open source developers find potential vulnerabilities in their code, we’ve added Kotlin support (beta) to the CodeQL engine that powers GitHub code scanning. CodeQL now natively supports Kotlin, as well as mixed Java and Kotlin projects. Set up code scanning on your repositories today to receive actionable security alerts right on your pull-requests. To enable Kotlin analysis on a repository, configure the code scanning workflow languages to include java. If you have any feedback or questions, please use this discussion thread or open an issue if you encounter any problems.

Kotlin support is an extension of our existing Java support, and benefits from all of our existing CodeQL queries for Java, for both mobile and server-side applications. We’ve also improved and added a range of mobile-specific queries, covering issues such as handling of Intents, Webview validation problems, fragment injection and more.

CodeQL support for Kotlin has already been used to identify novel real-world vulnerabilities in popular apps, from task management to productivity platforms. You can watch the GitHub Universe talk on how CodeQL was used to identify vulnerabilities like these here.

Kotlin beta support is available by default in code scanning, the CodeQL CLI, and the CodeQL extension for VS Code. GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) version 3.8 will include this beta release.

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You can now filter results from the code scanning REST API based on alert severity. Use the parameter severity to return only code scanning alerts with a specific severity. This is available at the repository and organization level.

This feature is available on, and will also be included in GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) version 3.8.

Read more about the code scanning API

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