Export GitHub Advanced Security license usage data

You can now export your Advanced Security license data to review usage across your business. The CSV data can be downloaded at both enterprise and organization level, and contains: the organization, repository, username, and the user's most recent commit date. This data can be used to answer questions like, "which users are consuming an Advanced Security committer seat?", "which Advanced Security-enabled repos is a user contributing to?", and "how are Advanced Security licenses being consumed across orgs?".

For organizations, download the CSV on the organization billing settings page and security & analysis settings page.

Organization billing settings page

Organization security & analysis settings page

For enterprises, download the CSV on the enterprise licensing settings page.

Enterprise Licensing settings page

The Advanced Security billing data can also be retrieved via the billing API. For organization-level data use the /orgs/{org}/settings/billing/advanced-security endpoint, and for enterprise-level data use the /enterprises/{enterprise}/settings/billing/advanced-security endpoint.

This has shipped on GitHub Enterprise Cloud and will be available on GitHub Enterprise Server 3.4.

Read more about viewing your Advanced Security usage, the organization-level billing API, and the enterprise-level billing API.

The "Only notify requested team members" setting can now be enabled independently of "Enable auto assignment" in the Team's code review settings.

This is useful in scenarios where many users are auto assigned but not all users require notification. For example, when repositories are configured with teams as code owners but contributors know the specific individual to review their pull request. This setting now allows you to require that team for review, but without always notifying the whole team unnecessarily.

Read more about managing code review settings for your team.

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