Releases support comments and reactions with Discussion linking

You can now link discussions to new releases!

When drafting a new release, check the Create a discussion for this release box, choose a category, and publish. Your community will be able to react and comment on the release notes, giving projects more opportunities to celebrate and receive feedback. Release discussions are also available natively on GitHub Mobile.

enable discussion creation on a release

For more information, see GitHub Discussions, GitHub Releases and GitHub Mobile documentation.

For questions or feedback, join the conversation in GitHub Product Feedback.

The new security overview for organizations and teams – which provides a high-level view of the application security risks a GitHub organization is exposed to – is now in beta for all GitHub Advanced Security customers on GitHub Enterprise Cloud.

Security overview

With the new security overview GitHub Advanced Security customers now have a single place to see the application security risks detected by code scanning, Dependabot, and secret scanning. The security overview shows both these known security risks as well as where you have unknown risks because security features haven’t been configured.

Learn more about security overview
Learn more about GitHub Advanced Security

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