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Join us for OctogatosConf 2022

Join us for OctogatosConf 2022

Live on September 15, 2022, with talks by industry experts in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, on topics including software development, security, technical project management, community, open source, professional development and best practices.

Andrea Griffiths
Ludum Dare 48 staff picks from GitHub

Ludum Dare 48 staff picks

The theme for Ludum Dare 48 was “deeper and deeper,” which inspired over ten thousand people to create almost four thousand games together over a weekend. As you can imagine,…

Lee Reilly
GitHub Planeta Virtual Meetup

GitHub Planeta Virtual Meetup

GitHub представляет нашу первую виртуальную встречу! Первая встреча пройдет во вторник, 17-го ноября, с 19:00 до 21:00 по Московскому времени. Наша ведущая и докладчик, Саша Розенбаум, менеджер по продукту из…

Sasha Rosenbaum