Search results for: graphQL
GitHub Issues & Projects – GraphQL and webhook support for project status updates and more!
GitHub Issues & Projects – GraphQL and webhook support for project status updates and more!
sourceRepositoryUrl is now a required input to the StartRepositoryMigration GraphQL Endpoint
sourceRepositoryUrl is now a required input to the StartRepositoryMigration GraphQL Endpoint
Additional repository metrics available via GraphQL API
Additional repository metrics available via GraphQL API
Filter answered discussions through the GraphQL API
Filter answered discussions through the GraphQL API
Repository’s Contributing Guidelines available via GraphQL API
Repository’s Contributing Guidelines available via GraphQL API
GraphQL improvements for fine-grained PATs and GitHub Apps
GraphQL improvements for fine-grained PATs and GitHub Apps
SAMLIdentity GraphQL object now supports `read` scope
SAMLIdentity GraphQL object now supports `read` scope
Dependency graph GraphQL API preview includes submitted dependencies
Dependency graph GraphQL API preview includes submitted dependencies
GraphQL APIs for creating a branch linked to an issue
GraphQL APIs for creating a branch linked to an issue
Dependabot alerts: Dependency scope filter via GraphQL API
Dependabot alerts: Dependency scope filter via GraphQL API
Dependabot alerts: access state, fixed alerts, and numeric identifier via GraphQL API
Dependabot alerts: access state, fixed alerts, and numeric identifier via GraphQL API
GraphQL global ID migration update
All newly created GraphQL objects now have IDs that conform to a new format, which we refer to as “next IDs.” Learn how to migrate older IDs to the new format and why we’re making the change.
New global ID format coming to GraphQL
The GitHub GraphQL API has been publicly available for over 4 years now. Its usage has grown immensely over time, and we’ve learned a lot from running one of the…
GitHub Mobile and GraphQL
GitHub’s mobile applications have used GraphQL to power new features. We’ve now been able to move faster and get more done with less hassle and no over-fetching. We were able…
Audit Log GraphQL API now generally available
The Audit Log GraphQL API is now generally available. With this update, GitHub Enterprise Cloud administrators can programmatically access audit log events for detailed security and compliance insights across their…
Enterprise Accounts GraphQL Public Schema Preview
Enterprise accounts now have a public schema preview available for GitHub Enterprise Cloud. As part of this preview, enterprise owners have the ability to manage enterprise accounts via the GraphQL…
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