Update and configure code security enablement settings via the organization REST API
Update and configure code security enablement settings via the organization REST API
Update and configure code security enablement settings via the organization REST API
REST API now available for the organization-level security manager role (Public Beta)
GitHub Advanced Security customers can now retrieve repository code scanning results at the enterprise level via the GitHub REST API. This new endpoint supplements the existing repository-level and organization-level endpoints.…
Secret scanning’s REST API endpoints now support cursor-based pagination
Dependency graph has a REST API for submitting dependencies detected at build time
Secret scanning’s REST API endpoints now support sorting
We’re excited to announce some big improvements to our REST API documentation. We know developers rely on this documentation to integrate with GitHub, and we are committed to making it trustworthy, easy to find, and easy to use.
Increased file size limit when retrieving file contents via REST API
OpenAPI Description of REST API is now 3.1 compliant
GitHub App user-to-server REST API requests now have read access to public resources
Audit Log Git events and REST API are generally available
We changed the REST API authorization logic for maintainer fork collaborators to address an improper write access control bug identified by an independent bug bounty researcher. Under certain circumstances, this…
Audit Log Git events and REST API are now in public beta
Audit Log Git events and REST API now available in limited public beta
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