Leveraging AI to empower all developers at GitHub Universe 2023
GitHub Universe 2023 is just around the corner! Join us and learn how GitHub is leveraging AI to empower all developers, including developers with disabilities.
GitHub Universe 2023 is just around the corner! Join us and learn how GitHub is leveraging AI to empower all developers, including developers with disabilities.
The Comment Box Becomes More Consistent and Accessible
As Hacktoberfest comes to a close, you still have a day or so left to complete and submit your pull requests. If you’re struggling to think of projects to contribute…
From starting at GitHub over 10 years ago as a developer to becoming the Chief Operating Officer, I’ve learned that developers are often bellwethers for change across the rest of their organizations. That makes investing in—and learning from—them critical.
Dependabot user-defined rules for security updates and alerts; enforcement of auto-triage rules and presets for organizations (public beta)
Additional repository metrics available via GraphQL API
Atlassian is ending support for its Server products—including Bitbucket Server—in February 2024. In this post, you’ll learn what that means for you, your options, and how you can move to GitHub.
In September, we experienced two incidents that resulted in degraded performance across GitHub services.
Requiring workflows with Repository Rules is generally available
GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can now ensure controlled workflows run and pass before code is merged into any of its repositories.
Findings show that code quality is better across the board and developers felt more confident, too.
Repository rule insights now make finding more details about how someone merged specific code into your repos even easier. 🔍 Filter by status If you want only to see bypassed…
Learn more about how we use GitHub to build GitHub, how we turned our guiding communications principles into prescriptive practices to manage our internal communications signal-to-noise ratio, and how you can contribute to the ongoing conversation.
GitHub Copilot Chat can help developers create prototypes, understand code, make UI changes, troubleshoot errors, make code more accessible, and generate unit tests.
Display SAML SSO authentication data in audit log – Public Beta
In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll dive into how you can become the next open source contributor to the GitHub Classroom CLI, building commands that you can use to improve your workflow as an educator!
The GitHub Security Lab audits open source projects for security vulnerabilities and helps maintainers fix them. Recently, we passed the milestone of 500 CVEs disclosed. Let’s take a trip down memory lane with a review of some noteworthy CVEs!
Guiding student developers through skill building foundations, a building block in their learning journey with GitHub Education.
GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now generally available. Enable secret scanning, dependency scanning, and code scanning on your organization directly in Azure DevOps configuration settings.
Build what’s next on GitHub, the place for anyone from anywhere to build anything.