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Highlights from Game Off 2020

Game Off is our annual month-long game jam. This year’s theme was “moonshot,” and there were more than 500 tre-moon-dous submissions! 🌛 Here are some of the top-rated games as…

Commits are snapshots, not diffs

Git has a reputation for being confusing. Users stumble over terminology and phrasing that misguides their expectations. This is most apparent in commands that “rewrite history” such as git cherry-pick or git rebase. In my experience,…

GitHub in the enterprise

During the last year alone, over 56 million developers created more than 60 million new repos and made more than 1.9 billion contributions on GitHub. These developers are building the…

Securing the fight against COVID-19 through open source

This blog describes a security vulnerability in the infrastructure that supports Germany’s COVID-19 contact tracing efforts. The mobile (Android/iOS) apps are not affected by the vulnerability and do not collect and/or transmit any personal data other than the device’s IP address. The infrastructure takes active measures to disassociate true positives from client IP addresses.

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GitHub Universe 2024

GitHub Universe 2024

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