Patchwork Night, Taipei Edition
很高興和大家宣布,十月十四號(星期二)我們將在五倍紅寶石台北出礦坑舉辦 Patchwork 活動。 We’re happy to announce our next Patchwork night on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at the 5xRuby offices! 完全不需要程式經驗/No coding experience required! Patchwork 是一個由 GitHub 主辦,專門給初學者的 Git 與…
很高興和大家宣布,十月十四號(星期二)我們將在五倍紅寶石台北出礦坑舉辦 Patchwork 活動。
We’re happy to announce our next Patchwork night on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at the 5xRuby offices!
完全不需要程式經驗/No coding experience required!
Patchwork 是一個由 GitHub 主辦,專門給初學者的 Git 與 GitHub 工作坊,完全不需要任何的程式設計的經驗就可以來參加,我們非常期待能看到你。當天現場會有飲料食物、很多東西學、很多機會交朋友。
新手們參加完工作坊後將會學到什麼是 commit、什麼是 pull request、怎麼樣 merge pull requests,最後在你 GitHub 上的 貢獻圖表 留下一個綠色的小方塊!
而如果你曾經有 Pull request 被 merge 過的經驗,我們也邀請你來當教練,與參與活動的 GitHubbers 一起幫助所有的參加者們。
Patchwork is a hands-on workshop for learning Git and GitHub. Join us to meet new people over snacks and great discussion.
Newcomers to Git and GitHub, you’ll leave with a merged Pull Request, a square on your contributions graph, and confidence to get more involved in the open source community.
Mentors, if you’ve ever had a Pull Request merged, come help others feel that warm glow of accomplishment!
一起學,比較好/Learning is better together
我、@jlord、@sophiec、@dice,和教練們將在現場回答大家所有的問題、幫助大家送出人生第一個 pull request。
@dice 將會在活動中跟大家分享他學程式的心路歷程,我們也很高興能邀請到唐鳳(@audreyt)來跟我們分享她在開源程式開發路上的經歷。
Myself, @jlord, @sophiec, @dice, and community mentors will be on hand to answer your questions and help you achieve your first merged Pull Request.
@dice will kick the event off with a talk on how he got started in programming, and we have also invited @audreyt to share with us her experience on contributing in open source.
- 給 Git 和 GitHub 的初學者。
- 十月十四號(星期二)晚上七點到十點。
- 五倍紅寶石台北出礦坑 – 台北市長安西路 150 號 11 樓。
- 最近的捷運站是中山站和台北車站。
- 註冊登記:
- For: Git and GitHub beginners.
- When? Tuesday, October 14 from 7:00-10:00pm.
- Where? 5xRuby – No. 150, Chang’an West Rd, Taipei (Nearest MRT stations are Zhongshan Station and Taipei Main Station.)
Once registered, you’ll receive an email a few days before the event with details on what to have installed on your computer so you can hit the ground running.
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